[TUT] Various Packet Codes & Explain

02/12/2012 15:30 powerfulleech#16
can someone give a brief explaination of move packets~

like ~ which packet parts tells the x y z, rotation

how it identify if your keyboard press wasd and mouse clicks on the map

would it be possible to send a packet to go to a location that's very far

away 3 to 10x from your start location

a brief explaination of back ground bots that use packets.
thanks if not to much to explaing!!
02/19/2012 16:50 killfreak12#17
how to 06 08 05 00 00 05 to the item is invetory at enchantment like

lapits is first enchant item secound and item 3 in first bag can u make me code?
02/23/2012 11:53 vovin93#18
How it is possible to establish the lapis 7 lvl (only for 31+) in a helmet of the first level (for pvp 1-15)?
02/26/2012 13:16 Kah-Lan#19
i was searching to find the code to be able to link rings with it to , but didn't find the placement for the rings . is it possible to use it or not at all.
even tho i tried to change the spot of them in the bag stil didn't work .
can you maybe give a example for what code to use when item in bags
ty rlly a nice tuturial
03/06/2012 13:26 abbetd#20
Linking with the packet editor also makes it possible to bypass level restrictions on lapis (ie link level 7 lapis into 1-15 gear)
03/10/2012 15:38 bracchiosauro#21
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I am very curious to your work (thank you as soon as you have).
This program is very interesting but I would like to know if there is something to increase (or ensure) the chances of success to enchanting and linking ...?
05/02/2012 00:49 Rev2012#22
So is it possible to use this to link (like stated) but without the link failing?
05/16/2012 04:24 Hei-BK201#23
hi. i used the enchant and de rerolling function today and they worked on the server that i play. but now i am curious about one thing. can i ask u if is possible to make a linking or enchanting at 100%? by sending a code that fool the server and turn a regular hammer (that u have on the 3rd slot for eg.) on a gm link when used? or a code for gm link to use at the beguining of the code, or something like that? if u could enlight me i will be tankfull
05/18/2012 18:42 ArKilla92#24
this doesnt 100% gaurantee a link right?
05/18/2012 22:23 Snaffy#25
Originally Posted by ArKilla92 View Post
this doesnt 100% gaurantee a link right?
Yes. It doesn't give 100% linking chance
06/05/2012 08:29 jb62470#26
bonjour pourriez vous faire plus simple svp en notant que les codes et a quoi ils correspondent merci d avance et jolie travail
06/08/2012 20:42 Elfclan58#27
Hi, thank for codes. i would like to know a command linkin for a gear, becouse i want to link a top. ^^
06/08/2012 22:15 Hei-BK201#28
i used a GMlink and printed codes sended and receved. that codes are usefull?
i dont understand programing. i just started now learning something.
06/10/2012 16:34 fiko90#29
look, when you send a code, you simply tell the Server to use something that you HAVE.
So, if you HAVE a GMlink, you can use it with the programm.
if you do NOT have a GMlink, you cannot use it (logical thinking..)

I think you guys mistake this tool with something that can change values and rates, which is NOT the case.
All the tool does is making Progresses like Enchanting and Linking faster by giving the Server all commands (take item, put it on the hole, put lapis in, put OP in, press LINK button) at once so you have done the progress with 1 click.

I hope this makes it a bit clearer :))
06/23/2012 21:16 anbyfe#30
Ola... eu testei o packet editor e funciona direitinho mas ele nao encanta......as lapisias quebram... queria saber se existe codigo pra que encante sem erro? obrigado