Shaiya Absolution

04/04/2011 03:16 -III-#16
First and foremost, I would not take it upon myself to make assumptions of who is running the show.

More importantly, I have a strong belief in 'preventive action'. What does this mean? It means I have played with specific players in the past on other servers or even in OS, and they have been commonly seen as problematic players.

Define my rendition of problematic? Certainly. Problematic would be players with extreme attitude problems, players that have a negative impact on player moral and experience, and their overall behavior displayed elsewhere. This all speaks volumes of a persons nature, and will follow you like a shadow. It is nobody's fault other than your own when what you have let become you shadow jumps up and bites you.

There were 8 players banned from the server last night. All of which were either banned from my own personal experience with them in the past or due to numerous complaints and concerns from other players.

Whether it be players whom have a proven record of duping, glitching, stat padding, disregard for staff, or complete and total ignorance for other players right to enjoyment of the same service --- I will ban for all of the above before it has a chance to become an issue.

If you desire an example, I will provide you with one. Since 'Nug_Nug' decided to validate a post that could have been thoroughly expressed by the former post, I will use he as the example. Especially being that 'Nug' specifically was the reason for the ban of the both of you.

Upon 'Nug' remark in the shout box on our site, he made his presence known. At the time I had over 70 players online. Of those 70 players, 18 of them expresses grave concern of his presence on the server.

Over the next 2 hours of him being in game that number grew to 27. From my own experience, and obviously that of others, he and his regular crew of players have a habit of driving players off of servers. He has expressed poor behavior, arrogance of a profound amount, and complete disregard for respect of players and staff.

Unfortunately, Inc, you share the same IP address as he.

Unfortunately, I do not have the issue of ridding of 4 or 5 players in order to avoid the drama that comes with them, before it has a chance to hit the server. Though, it had already started the minute Nug logged in with his direct and intentional refusal to leave a dead horse lie.

What do I mean? I can assure you that assuming any of you have any idea as to who exactly is the man behind the server these days will leave you all with nothing more than a feeling of disorientation, once you realize you are wrong.

It does no good to start a public discussion on numerous occasions within a small period of being on the server, in which the main point is that : This server is that server, and this will happen or that will happen because of it.

Long story short : If you can not log in and enjoy yourself just as everyone else, then you don't need to be there in the first place. And unfortunately for you all, I have no issue making sure you know the way out.

The results of the bans? I had double the players online within a matter of one hour after.

'Preventive Action' is not a bad thing. It has actually managed to keep our server growing, friendly, and respectful. And I have every intention of keeping it that way.

If every server were to take a stand against those who have a habit of killing to enjoyment of others, each and every server would be a much better place. Complain as you might, but as far as these ears go, it will go unheard.

Lastly, I have a site. I have a support ticket system. That support system has a 'Ban Appeal' option. Use it. ElitePvP'ers is not a help line. If you wish to review my server, feel free. But your ban has nothing to do with it. It had every thing to do with you.

And yes, I do see your ticket, Inc, but today has been a busy day...I will be honest, 95% of every thing had nothing to do with you. Including this post. Im sorry you share the same IP address, truly.

If either of you wish for it to be discussed further, please use our ticket system. This is not the proper place for any of it.

[EDIT] And btw, Nug, that wasn't a staff member you were speaking to. You could at least have researched that much.

Finally, this post has served it's purpose, which was to advertise the server. I will ask on more time for it to be locked. This is an advertisement forum. Can we keep it to that? We do not need people's ban issues from a server polluting what could be better served space. Especially when the server provides means for this matter on it's own site.

04/04/2011 07:14 Nug_Nug#17
Voicing your opinion long ago could have saved us both headaches. Keeping yourself quiet on a dead server. Leading on players & withholding your intentions as we donated money, time, ideas ect. while you collected it all and formed a more successful server to be able to rid the undesirables unannounced till now. Which is in your right but borderline shady.

I merely posted here for whoever finds this informative for making a choice for Absolution, as its a advertising area.

Lastly on that staff member who I label as staff is GM Fate, your wife. It was over cell phone and if you weren't informed at the time of the post so be it. Was only really interested in what she had to say as it was the opposite of what the late GM Aza (of Purity) was trying to depict, that GM Syn had nothing to do with Shaiya Absolution.

I could give two cents who runs it now or who holds what role. Just seems like a shady deal now a days in your circle of staff and I am glad we both agree to equally wash our hands of each other.
04/06/2011 00:30 Linxis172#18
This thread is for Shaiya Absolution, even if III did or did not run Purity. If you have any problems regarding the server post that on Absolutions forums not here.
I think Absolution is fun to play.
Problems with staff go onto there forums.
04/10/2011 04:16 mint13#19
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FWIW is Absolution's update server now.
I was just going to stay out of it but I want to know why Syn would hide his identity if lets say he started a new server.

Nug_Nug might have gone about it the wrong way, but it is kinda shady.
04/10/2011 07:29 UVUC#20
Originally Posted by mint13 View Post
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FWIW is Absolution's update server now.
I was just going to stay out of it but I want to know why Syn would hide his identity if lets say he started a new server.

Nug_Nug might have gone about it the wrong way, but it is kinda shady.
As shady/awkward as this may be... you have to think:
If -III- is Syn, who really cares? Whatever happened with Purity, happened with Purity. If it's not, who cares? To each his own.
If it is Syn, he must have his motivations to do this a different way.
If it's not Syn, then obviously people are barking up the wrong tree.

This server is NOT purity, in any way. Whether or not it shares Purity's old IP addy is irrelevant. This is Absolution. NOT Purity. Stop beating the dead horse about the issues with Purity, and just move on. Either play Absolution or don't. It's really that simple.

I, personally, enjoy this server. Quite a bit. I've had VERY nice and pleasant conversations in chat and whisper with the staff in regards to many topics, server related, site related, life related... One of the warmest, most pleasant welcome's I've experienced when joining a new server.

Ignore the banter back and forth. It's a game. Play it or don't. Really, it's that simple.
04/10/2011 09:23 shadowsunknown#21
Well as far as I see it, If a GM wants to take peoples money and run, thats the problem of trusting in giving anyone money!

If a GM wants to do the same thing again and again duping people out of RL money, thats the GMs choice.
However if anyone is finding that you have to do more and more and more to get donations for a server that may really need the donations, not for profit but because its a truly great server that needs a hand. Just think, when people quit donating it IS because of Greedy rip off artists that like to scam peoples money and say "Don't cry to me, it's a different server now!!"

So when another dozen servers die, not because they suck but because the support wasn't there....DON'T blame cheap players that like to QQ too much, Look at the GM's that take the money and run!

Personally I would hope that if GM's of one server know that other GM's are doing this cheap dirty action, that They Insist on blackballing the dirty GM as a sign that this IS NOT acceptable. Make sure they know that this action is ruining the reputation of other GM's as a result of this type of action.

Any quality GM would know that taking a "Preventative Action" to shut people up so you don't have to pony up any back pay....only results in more yelling and screaming than anything. Yes lock the post....Like that ever helped lol
04/10/2011 12:21 mint13#22
I just want to be clear. I know nothing about Purity.
I only posted my last post because it is very strange that III did not even acknowledge the claim that he is the same person to run a past server.

This server is NOT purity, in any way. Whether or not it shares Purity's old IP addy is irrelevant. This is Absolution. NOT Purity. Stop beating the dead horse about the issues with Purity, and just move on. Either play Absolution or don't. It's really that simple.
If Purity randomly shut the door when people were paying for a service just to open a new server (errr well same server .. new name) that is bullshit.

Everyone has the right to know if this is what they did.

I am 100% the same people who ran Purity have something to do with Absolution. (at the admin level)

"Whether or not it shares Purity's old IP addy is irrelevant."
There is not question. Yes it is relevant.
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Look in the Absolution files if you think there is in question.
04/11/2011 18:48 Jezdic#23
My suggestion , dont waste ur time on this server . . played there .
04/12/2011 23:52 Dazza45#24
Recommendation? Play Absolution. I don't care if Syn, III, or a pigmy pink elephant with an apple for a head runs it.

The server is almost constantly up, the staff is more than willing to take the time to chat with the members, always working on making it more player friendly and basing it on what the players want in a private server. You make a poll on the forum, it gets voted in by the community - the GM/s will put it in.

I personally prefer low/mid-rate servers, but for a high rate I have to say I'm loving it here, and can safely call it home. It's what I've come to look for in a private server. The community is great, always helpful - the staff is always willing to listen to whatever you've got to say about the server, improvements, etc. A staff that pays attention to their player base, basically. Awesome.

Great job to the pigmy pink elephants with apple heads... I mean, the GM/s of Absolution xD Love it here =)
04/14/2011 05:45 -III-#25
First and foremost, I, have never lied about anything as to who does or does not run this server. Anyone who may have, had done so under the assumption that it was wanted to remain anonymous.

The closest I have ever came to anything that could even be remotely considered as having lied about my identity was a previous statement in this thread in which I had stated that assumptions would leave others rather confused.

At the time, that statement was true. Not so much now. Seems you are a bit behind in the times.

"Whether or not it shares Purity's old IP addy is irrelevant."
There is not question. Yes it is relevant."

No, it is not. An IP address does not mean it is the same crew running it. It simply means it is using the same server (physically).

If you dont know the story or details behind it, dont speak.

Anyone not looking to stir trouble is more than welcome. Everyone else...piss off. We all have more important things to do than try and fend of mindless bs from people who obviously were rejected by the community.

Want your time on a server to last longer? Dont be an asshole.
04/14/2011 05:49 -III-#26
Originally Posted by shadowsunknown View Post
Well as far as I see it, If a GM wants to take peoples money and run, thats the problem of trusting in giving anyone money!

If a GM wants to do the same thing again and again duping people out of RL money, thats the GMs choice.
However if anyone is finding that you have to do more and more and more to get donations for a server that may really need the donations, not for profit but because its a truly great server that needs a hand. Just think, when people quit donating it IS because of Greedy rip off artists that like to scam peoples money and say "Don't cry to me, it's a different server now!!"

So when another dozen servers die, not because they suck but because the support wasn't there....DON'T blame cheap players that like to QQ too much, Look at the GM's that take the money and run!

Personally I would hope that if GM's of one server know that other GM's are doing this cheap dirty action, that They Insist on blackballing the dirty GM as a sign that this IS NOT acceptable. Make sure they know that this action is ruining the reputation of other GM's as a result of this type of action.

Any quality GM would know that taking a "Preventative Action" to shut people up so you don't have to pony up any back pay....only results in more yelling and screaming than anything. Yes lock the post....Like that ever helped lol
To shut people up? Not quite. It was 4 people. 90% of Purity's former player base is still at Absolution. It truly was a means of keeping troublesome players out.

Dont believe it? I dont really care. They are all still here. Few are not. It is not exactly rocket science.
04/14/2011 05:50 -III-#27
#report double post
make that a triple.
There, I beat you all to it.
04/14/2011 06:57 Dazza45#28
Now that all has been said and clarified... can a mod PLEASE lock this thread? It's for advertising a server, not for people to bash it and such.
04/15/2011 13:21 mint13#29
I never said it was the said you lied about being Syn/III.

Originally Posted by -III- View Post
No, it is not. An IP address does not mean it is the same crew running it. It simply means it is using the same server (physically).

If you dont know the story or details behind it, dont speak.
Please explain this ? All I said is Purity has something to do with Absolution. (at the admin level).

Are you saying the people that ran Purity have nothing to do with Absolution ?

Why don't you just explain the story ? It sure looks like the money started to dry up on one server so you started a new one.

Anyone not looking to stir trouble is more than welcome. Everyone else...piss off. We all have more important things to do than try and fend of mindless bs from people who obviously were rejected by the community.

Want your time on a server to last longer? Dont be an asshole.
I played Absolution until level mid 60s solo and quit because it is just another boring server. I never interacted with players or staff while playing there.

Purity I think I tried long ago and had same results.
(not even 100% I even tried it)

If you had a actual reason for the IP being the same you would just come out and tell it. You are full of shit and trying to play the victim when you are the one that looks shady.

Come out and answer are the same people who ran Purity the people that run Absolution ? If so why did you switch and not give notice to your players ?

I am being nice by giving you a chance to be honest here. Because you are right I don't know why you switched.

I actually think it is possible that it has something to do with a retard having to much information public. :awesome:

Originally Posted by Dazza45 View Post
Now that all has been said and clarified... can a mod PLEASE lock this thread? It's for advertising a server, not for people to bash it and such.
What was clarified ? He never even said anything ...

Jesus Christ. .. lol

Besides you thanks -III-'s triple post to say he double posted ... I am sure you are Fox News fair and balanced on the issues. I will bet your at least a GS on Purity. opps ... I mean .. whatever you know what I mean .
04/15/2011 19:09 Dazza45#30
Well, seeing as you're such a fucking smartass, how about you use your head a little. Servers aren't run of a little home computer, though they can be, it's implausible to do so for a large player base, as Absolution has, and as the aforementioned Purity had. So, it's hosted by the same company. Herpa Derp.

You can say that you didn't like Absolution, fine. Go to a hardware store, get some timber, build a bridge, and get over it. Nobody cares that you didn't "interact" with players or staff. That's your own choice. If you actually did talk, then maybe you would have been welcomed by a few people, and helped along... and it wouldn't be so "boring". But instead, you decide to give up and call it a shit server because what, didn't get the end-game gear you wanted all packaged up? When you started installing it, what did you expect? The details are on here, on the vote site, and on the website. No-one's fault you're either blind or stupid.

And what was clarified is that the server owner, III, has tried to drill it into your obviously dim-witted head that the server that Absolution is run on is the same that Purity was run on. Hell, if a porn site came up with that IP it must mean that the Purity GM made it!! Damn those companies that actually try to increase business by allowing people to rent their servers!

And hey, if you come to Absolution, maybe you will realise I'm not a staff member at all. I have no reason to be a staff member, I'm just another player, playing and ENJOYING the game. So before you go running your mouth, how about you learn some shit instead of saying "Bullshit." to everything.