FFXIV Crafter

10/17/2011 16:12 sl295#241
is the "no wait" box ticked ? if not restart PC or something if continues i dunno ; ;
10/17/2011 17:43 Cooleko#242
Originally Posted by Timemonkey View Post
Not sure if it's just me, something I did or didn't do...
The bot was selecting an ability (I had 3 checked) and if another ability came up, it would try to select it right away before even finishing a normal synth. It would also randomly select "careful" when I had no careful checked but the bot said it was selecting normal. @.@
I removed 2 abilities and then it would randomly wait while claiming to be doing standard.

Is there a way to set a delay? Right now it's selecting standard and wait almost as fast as it loads it but it waits till about 1/2 down the bar when selecting finish on the synth.

Nice bot! :)
When wrong abilities are selected I need to see the debug log.
Some jobs have problems with certain ability IDs because the standard/rapid/careful IDs overlap the IDs of certain abilities, which causes undesirable behavior. To recognize these jobs I need to see the log and make the corrections for the specific jobs these errors occur on.

The bot will operate as fast as possible on synths. Since the timing of the bot is based from memory reads it would not be of any help to allow the user to select their own timings. I'll see if I can speed up the bot for finishes, but I am not sure if I can speed that section up.

Originally Posted by sl295 View Post
i cant get the guild support to wotk for me really either doesnt get the right support or when it does and i go to craft in the debug shows something like -5168 minutes til support wears
I have corrected an error with the timer for guild support (mainly the timer is not initialized until the second synth, small oversight on my part. When I release the newest version it will initialize properly. I also slowed the guild support selections down because some people noticed it was tripping itself up getting guild support.
Are you initializing the support NPC by highlighting him in game, then hitting the support button? This initializes the NPC ID, and on the first synth the bot will exit the crafting menu, reselect support, and timer will actually initialize. (Note: this is only true for the old and current versions, this will not occur in any new versions)

Originally Posted by Mingatsu View Post
Bot never uses 'wait' option for me, anything I should do?
post a debug log from the bot, it will let me know if wait is given the wrong ID.
Also, if you have 5+ abilities available to the bot there is a good chance it wont wait because the bot gives priorities to abilities over wait.
You may notice in the bot that 3-5 times it will say scanning for wait/abilities, and that each time it will select an ability. In this case the bot is using wait, but because there are so many abilities it never actually gets to use wait.
The bot used to wait frequently, but I changed it to use abilities if they were up because sometimes the abilities would only come up for that one time the bot was going to wait.
10/17/2011 18:53 sl295#243
Ah i was selecting the NPC while standing and it would straight away get support then i would try craft but the bot just wouldnt craft ; ;
10/20/2011 03:28 awsomec#244
did this bot stoped working for anyone cause mine just won´t start
10/20/2011 03:43 tincenv#245
Same for me.
change your pc date to yesterday and it work.
10/20/2011 03:46 awsomec#246
nice tks
10/20/2011 04:24 Cooleko#247
Updated the .exe in OP for rest of Oct. I'm still working on the auto updating version.

Just a warning for those who are changing the dates on your computer, SE does not like this for dates outside a certain range and will cause ffxiv to crash.

Latest version fixes two errors:
1) Guild Support initialization
2) Window detection in some instances

There may be other small fixes but I don't remember them
10/21/2011 05:37 asdf1987#248
i've noticed that the guild support renew is still buggy, and the 2x i have it running, the bot fails to re-enter crafting after getting support the second time (ie after 2 hrs), bot just shows 'error: crafting window not found' and i have to re-open bot to continue crafting.

No debug log b/c the bots spams:

Waiting for craft window
Progress: 5 Durability: 5 Quality: 1285

once that happens.. not too sure what the problem is?, also would it be more effective/less error if you set the bot to re-enter crafting menu through a hot key rather than getting to navigate the menu? ie. press 'u' to enter crafting.
10/21/2011 07:52 Cooleko#249
Thanks for pointing that out, looks like in my quick updates i forgot to fix the second and more rounds of talking to guild support NPC.
Re-upped fix. I'll consider adding Hotkey support, however I'll have to limit it to a handful of possible choices because it is too time consuming to collect the post messages for all keys.
10/21/2011 11:09 sl295#250
im noticing that the bot randomly starts doing other synths in my recipe list apart from the top 1...

its totally random, 1 time it will do my synths perfect other times i find its changed synths and used all my mats doing a lower level synth ; ;
10/21/2011 21:11 manuela#251
last version does funny things
-random recipe (surprise what he crafts now..) ,rarely but happend 2 times today already
-misscounting ,let him craft 4, after 1 minute he tells you done fail 3 times..erm,how about even try the crafts ..lazy bot ;)

no idea whats happening with this version,but its kinda .. special
prefer the older one
it does 800+ in a row,but sometimes he makes funny stuff,didn't have such probs couple days ago (former version)
10/21/2011 21:26 Cooleko#252
interesting, I might have changed something in the code, I had been using these changes without a problem, but i only crafted 100 or so items in the last two weeks.

Consider it broken until I can free up some time to look into it. Come to think of it, I uploaded this latest fix while I was dead tired. Odds are I just killed a line of code that is important.

I'll take a break this weekend and look over the code. If you can catch the bot acting up will you tell me what it happening? Maybe I'll just make it stop if the windows are not right, close out from crafting, and just start over.

I spent all my spare coding time (which was minimal to begin with) polishing the mining bot for the testers. Now that that is 99% done I can come back and finish some bigger things on the crafting bot. After I add a harvesting option... and, and,... and...
10/23/2011 05:16 koji872909#253
not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but if you have other quests in your log, the bot won't correctly notice your local levequests and will, instead, try to do the other quests for some reason
10/23/2011 06:39 Cooleko#254
You need to tell the bot how many quests you have. It is the third drop down.

I was unable to reproduce the error for changing synths. I crafted ~20 levequests in a row and followed that with 100s of (700+ exp) synths while sleeping, woke up to 1 failure.

I did notice that guild support was still much too fast, so I slowed it down again, it is now so slow that i dont think anyone will have any problems with it.

I'm willing to bet some problems with the bot were from using guild support and it was just getting stuck in the support screen.
10/23/2011 18:50 hepe#255
I'm having issues with the levequests. I have a lot of quests so I typed in the number: 15 in the quest number window, but it tried to select my first or second quest instead