Shadow 13ot II (Autoit Craft/Fish)

10/14/2011 07:31 basic865#196
I just tested it and nothing happened when I started it.
10/14/2011 08:05 manuela#197
/edit , fishbot doesnt work anymore,can confirm this (x64 w7) ,atleast for me
10/14/2011 09:32 13ouncer#198
Mine works just fine on vista 64bit
10/14/2011 09:49 djricekcn#199
I am on Win7 x64 as well but neither the 32x or 64x is working. I'm also on English (USA) mode + move the fishing widget to the top left corner. I also redid the recording just to be sure, including closing the app and reopening a few times + resolution setting.

currently i am using a 1920x1080 resolution, took off AA (i don't like AA), and everything else is set to maximum value
10/14/2011 09:55 gaboosh#200
I input the change from the first page and changed the line to "You reel i your catch" and still am not having my chat log displayed in the window. I also reset my chat boxes and went into my battle log. None of that made it work. Is there something I'm missing? I'm using Win 7 32

Everything else works fine BTW
10/14/2011 15:53 kamithea#201
Hmm...I don't know what you guy mean, I can confirm it is working and I'm using Windows 7 64Bits Ultimate. Before it doesn't work, then I change the .INI to this:


[Address 1]


[Address 1]

Now it read the chat log and it is working, been fishing for many hours with it. So I think the person have not work try changing that text. I'm also just updated FFXIV to 1.1.9a and I can tell you that no offset have been change.

On off topic, Bouncer I was wondering when are you going to released your Crafting Bot? Your bot was one of the easiest one to use and got great result with it, so can't wait for your Craft Bot.
10/14/2011 15:55 tincenv#202
i'm on win7 64 and it does'nt work but if i launch the game and the bot in vista compatibility, it work fine.
10/14/2011 16:24 kamithea#203
Make sure you launch the 64Bits version if you on Windows 7 64Bits.
10/14/2011 16:30 tincenv#204
yes i use the 64 bit version
10/14/2011 19:41 manuela#205
to be more specific, it stops already at "you have hooked something..." then he simply does nothing ,and yes i used the g version the whole time before the 19a patch,worked.
some nifty change to the chat,and it doesnt work well anymore
10/14/2011 22:56 kamithea#206
Ok nevermind it is not working 100%. It will fish for awhile, but after couple hour it just stop and say "There was error, stopping." My X is green and when I click on it, it will say Timeout error.

Please take a look at it and hopefully have it fix because it can only bot for awhile.
10/19/2011 12:37 hepe#207
It works in itself, it can fish while keeping another window active etc. I can leave it on overnight without trouble. However, it refuses to read any logs I have ingame, so if I try to leave it on at a fishing grade where I'd get reasonable exp, it'll just waste the bait over and over. I can only really use it to harvest low-level fish which I can scoop up in a single jig.

I'm running a windows 7 home premium, 32 bit

I tried changing the .ini text but that didn't do anything for me. Any idea what I can do?
10/20/2011 01:12 aesculapius#208
hmm I'm still having difficulties with v2 I still use the old one that reads pixel. (x64 win7) All the bot ever does for me is cast, then it just sits there.
10/27/2011 04:00 deathsaint#209
great bot, works perfect on win 7 64 bit for me!!
10/27/2011 08:00 djricekcn#210
how did you get it to work? it hans't worked for me ever since 1.19a