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Skyrim Review

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Skyrim Review

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review (Xbox Experience)

Brief Introduction:

Skyrim is the Fifth installment in the Elder Scroll Series. Skyrim is developed by Bethesda Game Studios and is an open-world role playing game. The game engine used is called the Creation engine which is used with Havok Physics. Skyrim was released about November 2011 and is playable on PC, PS3 and the Xbox 360. There is a long main story and has hundreds of side quests. This game is roughly the same size as Oblivion however it may seem bigger because of the mountainous scenery. This game can give you a wealth of experience and give you quality amount of game play that you will enjoy.

The Storyline (will contain spoilers)

Skyrim is 200 Years after Oblivion. I wouldn’t say this is a direct sequel to Oblivion but more like another “Chapter”. As with the usual setting, you are an unknown prisoner in Skyrim and get away because of an event which happens just before you get executed. After the event you pick with an Imperial or a Stormcloak to run away to the nearest village. Whilst in this village you get a quest requiring you to get a certain item. While getting the item you find a Word-Wall and you learn your first shout. And you find out that you are one of the Dragonborn. I think this is a very good setting to introduce how you find out who you are as they explain how and what they are, and can make a very in-depth plot if you are into storylines. The main story in my opinion isn’t as good as Oblivion or Morrowind but this is still a very great storyline and shouldn’t assume it is terrible. Because it isn’t, and this game will really get you into it. Especially if you are into dragons.

Game play:

Once you start to play Skyrim you notice that the combat system is like Oblivion, though less flawed and allot more neater, it flows more and the ability to even duel wield weapons (or have a spell in one hand and a weapon on the other) can give you a variety to choose from. The game play is slightly the same as Oblivion, but more advanced. You can ride horses as you commonly do and you can run around doing whatever you want. At the beginning of the game you get the Character Development which in my opinion is a primary aspect of the game as you get to pick from seven races which all have different skills and look entirely different from each other. They also introduced things called Perks. Which I will talk about later. I find that the Dragons are very fun to mess around with. There is an infinite amount of them and they aren’t scripted at all (apart from a few). This means you can randomly find them anywhere during adventuring which can wield a great battle experience of you fighting dragon. You don’t meet them too often which I find is a good thing because they are powerful and they can get allot more stronger as you level up as more groups of dragons will be “unlocked” and roam Skyrim.


When your character levels up they gain a “Skill Point” which they can use on their Character to develop even more. This is a very good idea for this game as you can have more freedom of whatever you want and become then whenever you choose. For example if you wanted to become a Thief for awhile you can do that. Then switch to a Warrior an hour later with no hassle at all (well, maybe finding equipment).


As I said from before the combat is a more “evolved” version from Oblivion. Just updated and less flaws. If you choose to fight with a dagger you can choose to do that. Maybe a sword and a dagger. Or even a shield with a dagger. The whole ability to customise how you fight is up to you. When fighting it is very simple, depending on what you have if you hit them (let’s say with a Bow) and the arrow hits them on impact it will make them lose health and they will die when their health reaches 0. A very simple combat system but very effective. One thing I have noticed is that you don’t have to waste your gold repairing items when you use them allot, which is a good thing that they removed it because sometimes it is a pain when your favourite weapon is near broke and you don’t have the money to repair it. The inventory is very easy to use and simple. You have sub sections of what you want to look thus making it less of a hassle to find an item. The inventory allows you to preview items in 3D which is needed as there are some puzzles in the game which require you to look at an object for clues. There is a sneaking system which is very useful for thieves if you want to run around without getting caught (and there is a skill tree for that skill, called “Sneaking”) this allows you to do sneak damage (multiplies your damage when you hit someone when they don’t know where you are) and able to pickpocket people, which enables you to steal stuff from people (like keys, so you can loot their houses at night when they are asleep)


I haven’t really been to see the community allot to be honest but when I had Morrowind for PC there is a bunch of mod’s you are able to download and can really make a good thing to your game (fixing stuff, adding stuff, adding monsters, stories etc) which I found really cool and exciting. So if you are a PC user you should take a look at the mod’s and see how they are. Also when you get the game for PC you get an easy customizable modding program which can let you make mods so much easier than before. When I was in the community they are very helpful if you have questions and some great discussions about the games lore, and you could find something useful out.
And if you are interested here are the specs required to play the game on PC

Windows XP or Above
Nvidia GeForce GTX 260
DirectX compatible sound card

What I found good in this game:

The Freedom

The amazing atmosphere of going wherever you want more or less whenever you want. This game gives a great view on exploration and will keep you packed with dungeons, castles and you will keep looking for more.

Amazing Graphics

Whilst in the freedom looking around, exploring this game gives you an amazing view of HD graphics, you notice that the grass moves, the water can shimmer and shine. The characters are detailed, along with the dragons.

The music

I haven’t really talked about it, but the music creates a very scenic, tense atmosphere when needed. It can very change of how you are feeling in the game at the very moment. They spent a great amount of time doing the music and I think they did very well and they should be proud of it.

Being all “Super Powerful”
When I mean super powerful I don’t mean you can’t die, because you can. What I mean is being “blessed by the gods” and being the one which is able to kill dragons gives you a sense of power and might. Running around courageously slashing everything to bits.

Things I didn’t really like.
Now there isn’t really anything I can say about how bad the game is, because they have put great effort into this game and it’s just beautiful. The game is powerful in its own little way. But I do have one or two things I’m like “ah, that’s a shame”

Very short main story

The main story isn’t at all that long. Well for me it wasn’t. I would say this game would take 4-5 hours for the main storyline to complete. However the side quests will keep you going for months on end.

Few bugs

Though I am being very picky here, and it is just me probably being slightly strict. There are some bugs, probably which will get fixed quickly if they are serious but they aren’t anything which will destroy your whole game play

Overall in conclusion I give this game a 9.5/10 I find this game a compelling game to play and it’s a must have if you are into RPGs. Keep up the good work Bethesda!
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Old 08/20/2012, 21:05   #2
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Schon wieder keine antworten, und das auf nem skyrim review oo, tolles review, ich habs spiel schon über 180 stunden gespielt xD:
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Old 08/20/2012, 21:08   #3
elite*gold: LOCKED
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Das Game ist seit dem letzten Jahr draußen, eigentlich schon unnötig hierzu ein Review zu machen, da Skyrim wirklich ein Spiel ist das jeder mal spielen sollte bzw. schon gespielt hat.
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Old 08/20/2012, 21:09   #4
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Super spiel, kanns jeden weiter empfehlen
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Old 11/24/2012, 21:24   #5
elite*gold: 0
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Sorry, if i push your thread but i must say it.

Nice review, the idiots above me dont speak english so dont care =D
Maybe you should take smaller pictures, because it doenst look good if there are to bigger pictures then the text byhimself.

best regardz DSAPsomecrap

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