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[5270] - cofr33dom

Discussion on [5270] - cofr33dom within the CO2 Bots & Macros forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.

View Poll Results: If you had the ability to create bots, what kind would you wish to make?
Hunters / Plvlers 834 85.54%
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Quest Bots 71 7.28%
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Post [5270] - cofr33dom

use this, its cool

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Brought to you by Warlax & Clinux.

New Features in 1.3
* fast cyclone
* fast fatal strike (as fast as public is allowed, 1 second jumps, no speed hack.)
* repair all -- repairs all equipped items when near an npc.
* vip repair all -- repairs all equipped items without being near an npc (only for VIP players).
* trade player PlayerName -- trades a given player.
* ok trade -- presses ok for when a player trades you.
* trade item ItemName -- trades an item while in a trade.
* accept trade -- Accepts a trade.
* attack at X,Y with skill SkillName -- used for toxic fog, scent sword, fast blade and scatter.
* var dx,dy dx,dy = direction of monster birdman attack at posx+dx,posy+dy with skill scatter (for scattering)
* targeting around the monster, rather than on the monster. (allows longer range weapons to work, like 2-handlers)
* fixed dance/sit stuff.
* help desk online status checker

And sorry about sharecash. But we will do yaz a deal. One week sharecash before it becomes hotfile (or attachment) deal. It means you just need to wait one week, and you get a decent link.

Want your ideas into the next release?
Add to the suggestions box found here.
And Please, no repeat information, only add ideas that are not already given. Also you may add some bug descriptions, but also avoid repeat information for those too.
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Old 06/22/2010, 12:32   #2
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--- reserved for documentation--

This table is for the 1.1 language, for 1.0 language drop the words "npc", "map", "skill" and "monster".
amount of item ItemNameUsed as a part of an expression, it returns the number of a certain item in the inventory.
attack self with skill SkillNameCasts a spell on yourself by the spell name like Cure for example.
attack monster MonsterName with skill SkillNameCasts a spell on a monster by the spell name.
change map MapName[Yet to be implemented] Figures out how to reach a given map name and goes there.
choose option IntegerSelects an object from the windows that opens when you click an NPC.
# CommentsA marker used to making comments in the code.
delay IntegerSame as sleep & wait, delays the script thread for the given amount of time in milliseconds.
do ActionNamePerforms an action. (like dance1, dance2, ..., sit, knell, bow, etc.) (Only other people can see it, not yourself.)
go to <<Label>>Jumps execution to a given label in the script.
goto <<Label>>Jumps execution to a given label in the script.
go to X,Y Uses pathfinder to go to the given (X,Y) coordinates. (Straight line path atm, except for in version 1.1, it uses real pathfinder)
goto X,Y Uses pathfinder to go to the given (X,Y) coordinates. (Straight line path atm, except for in version 1.1, it uses real pathfinder)
mineStarts mining
drop item ItemNameDrops an item
buy item ItemName from npc NpcNameBuys an item from an npc
sell item ItemName to npc NpcNameSells an item to an npc
deposit item ItemName into npc NpcNameDeposits an item into an npc
deposit item ItemNameDeposits an item into the nearest warehouse
use item ItemNameUses an item
loot item ItemNameLoots an item
if Expression Actions [elseif/elif Expression Actions [else Actions]] endStandard if statement
while Expression ActionsStandard while statement
when Expression ActionsAn event triggered function
talk to npc NpcNameTalks to an npc
stopStops the execution
sleep IntegerDelays for the given number of milliseconds
wait IntegerDelays for the given number of milliseconds
reviveRevives your character
revive hereRevives your character here.
status ExpressionPuts text or a value up into status
msgbox ExpressionProduces a message box containing text or a value.
<<Label>>Standard label.
var Identifier [= Expression], Identifier [= Expression], ...Defines a heap of variables

all listed here

Bugs discovered in version 1.0
- item panacea <-- refers to the bundle of panacea and not the individual panacea itself, this is from multiple strings with the same itemId in itemtype.dat, must fix this soon.
- do Actions <-- these do work, but you can not see it on your own client, only other clients can see you do the action, because its pure proxy based (the client does not know your doing the action)
- else-statement <-- "if false {code1} else {code2} end", {code2} is skipped.
- scroll bar stuck when too many lines

TODO list for version 1.1
- buy ItemName from NpcName (completed for next version)
- sell ItemName to NpcName (completed for next version)
- deposit ItemName into NpcName (completed for next version)
- mine (completed for next version)
- Relative paths (.\conquer.exe ..\conquer.exe) (completed for next version)
- Fix DCs (simplify code)
- Drop Item (1/2 working for next version (Inventory reading not always accurate))
- Random value generator (complete for next version)
- Enter Mine command (regex on question/answers)
- Add disconnect command (complete for next version)
- Document operators
- Map Variables (completed for next version)
- Option declarations (option priority loot = true)
- Multiline comments (#cs #ce or /* */) (completed for next version)
- fix "else" in the if-statement (complete for next version)
- fix autoscroll when many lines (completed for next version)
- boolean expressions for testing if an item or an npc is on the screen (found item ItemName / found npcName) (complete for next version)
- allowed maps/npcs/items/monsters/skills to be assigned to variables and used (completed for next version)
- proper pathfinder used for "goto x,y" (completed for next version)

Grammar for the curious: (The documentation for while I catch up with the documentation.)
start = Start
value = AstNode
debug = 
namespace = cofreedom
ignore-case = true

# Start
Start := S (Program);

Program := (When / Action / MultilineComment / Comment)* `value = DoProgram(results)`

When := "when" S Expression Actions "end" S `value = new WhenNode(results[1].Value, results[2].Value)`
Action := "disconnect" S `value = DoSysCall(null, "disconnect", 0)`
Action := "mine" S `value = DoSysCall(null, "mine", 0)`
Action := "drop" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "dropitem", 1)`
Action := "buy" S Value "from" S Value `value = new BuyFromNpcNode(results[3].Value, results[1].Value)`
Action := "sell" S Value "to" S Value `value = new SellToNpcNode(results[3].Value, results[1].Value)`
Action := "deposit" S Value "into" S Value `value = new DepositInNpcNode(results[3].Value, results[1].Value)`
Action := "deposit" S Value `value = new DepositInNpcNode(new NpcName("Warehouseman"), results[1].Value)`
Action := "change" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "changemap", 1)`
Action := "msgbox" S Expression `value = new AsmNode(results[1].Value, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.SysCall, "msgbox"))`
Action := "use" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "useitem", 1)`
Action := "loot" S Value `value = new LootItemNode(results[1].Value)`
Action := "jump" S "to" S Coordinate `value = new AsmNode(results[2].Value, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.SysCall, "jump", 2))`
Action := "if" S Expression Actions (("elif" / "elseif") S Expression Actions)* ("else" S Actions)? "end" S `value = DoIf(results)`
Action := "while" S Expression Actions "end" S `value = DoWhile(results)`
Action := "go" S "to" S Coordinate `value = DoSysCall(results[2].Value, "goto", 2)`
Action := "goto" S Coordinate `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "goto", 2)`
Action := "go" S "to" S Label `value = new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.Jmp, results[2].Text.Trim()))`
Action := "goto" S Label `value = new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.Jmp, results[1].Text.Trim()))`
Action := "talk" S "to" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[2].Value, "talktonpc", 1)`
Action := "choose" S "option" S Expression `value = DoSysCall(results[2].Value, "chooseoption", 1)`
Action := "attack" S "self" S "with" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[3].Value, "castonself", 1)`
Action := "attack" S "at" S Coordinate "with" S Value `value = DoSysCall(new SequenceNode(results[4].Value, results[2].Value), "castonxy", 3)`
Action := "attack" S Value "with" S Value `value = DoSysCall(new SequenceNode(results[3].Value, results[1].Value), "castontarget", 2)`
Action := "attack" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "melee", 1)`
Action := "trade" S Value `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "trade", 1)`
Action := "ok" S "trade" S `value = DoSysCall(null, "oktrade", 0)`
Action := "accept" S "trade" S `value = DoSysCall(null, "accepttrade", 0)`
Action := "repair" S "all" S `value = DoSysCall(null, "repairall", 0)`
Action := "vip" S "repair" S "all" S `value = DoSysCall(null, "viprepairall", 0)`
Action := "stop" S `value = new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.End))`
Action := "sleep" S Expression `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "sleep", 1)`
Action := "wait" S Expression `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "sleep", 1)`
Action := "delay" S Expression `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "sleep", 1)`
Action := "revive" S ("here" S)? `value = results.Count == 1 ? DoSysCall(null, "revive", 0) : DoSysCall(null, "revivehere", 0)`
Action := "status" S Expression `value = new AsmNode(results[1].Value, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.SysCall, "status"))`
Action := Label `value = results[0].Value`
Action := "do" S Act `value = new AsmNode(results[1].Value, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.SysCall, "action", 1))`
Action := "var" S Identifier ("=" S Expression)? ("," S Identifier ("=" S Expression)?)* `value = DoVariableDeclaration(results)`
Action := "hitspermob" S "=" S Expression `value = DoSysCall(results[2].Value, "sethitspermob", 1)`
Action := Identifier "=" S Expression `value = new AsmNode(results[2].Value, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.Set, results[0].Text.Trim()))`
Action := Identifier "," S Identifier "=" S "direction" S "of" S Value `value = new MobDirectionNode(results[0].Text.Trim(), results[2].Text.Trim(), results[6].Value)`

Actions := (Action / MultilineComment / Comment)* `value = DoSequence(results)`

Label := "<<" (!">>".)* ">>" S `value = new LabelNode(text.Trim())`

Coordinate := Expression "," S Expression `value = new CoordinateNode(results[0].Value, results[2].Value)` `expected = "coordinate"`
Npc := "npc" S Identifier `value = new NpcName(results[1].Text.Trim())`
Item := "item" S Identifier `value = new ItemName(results[1].Text.Trim())`
Monster := "monster" S Identifier `value = new MonsterName(results[1].Text.Trim())`
Skill := "skill" S Identifier `value = DoSkillName(results[1])`
Player := "player" S Identifier `value = new PlayerName(results[1].Text.Trim())`
Map := "map" S Identifier `value = DoMap(results[1])`

Act := "sit" S `value = new IntegerExpression(0xFA)`
Act := "dance"Value S `value = results[1].Value`

# Expressions  
Expression := Relation;
Relation := Sum ("<=" / ">=" / "==" / "!=" / "<" / ">") S Sum  `value = new BinaryExpression(results[0].Value, results[2].Value, results[1].Text)`
Relation := Sum `value = results[0].Value`
Sum := Product (('+' / '-') S Product)*  `value = DoCreateBinary(results)`
Product := Value (('*' / '/') S Value)*  `value = DoCreateBinary(results)`
Value := "amount" S "of" S Item `value = DoSysCall(results[2].Value, "itemcount", 1)`
Value := [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ('e'[0-9]+)? S `value = new FloatExpression(text.Trim())` `expected = "number"`
Value := [0-9]+ 'e' [0-9]+ S `value = new FloatExpression(text.Trim())` `expected = "number"`
Value := [0-9]+ S `value = new IntegerExpression(text.Trim())` `expected = "number"`
Value := '(' Expression ')' S `value = results[1].Value` `expected = "parenthesized expression"`
Value := '"'(!'"'.)*'"' S `value = new StringExpression(text.Trim())` `expected = "string"`
Value := "true" S `value = new BooleanExpression(true)`
Value := "false" S `value = new BooleanExpression(false)`
Value := "mapid" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "posx" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "posy" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "hp" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "mp" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "gold" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "silver" S `value = DoSysCall(new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.PushConst, results[0].Text.Trim())), "getsysval", 1)`
Value := "random" S Expression "," S Expression `value = new RandomNode(results[1].Value, results[3].Value)`
Value := "on" S "map" S Map `value = DoSysCall(results[2].Value, "isonmap", 1)`
Value := "found" S Item `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "founditem", 1)`
Value := "found" S Monster `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "foundmonster", 1)`
Value := "found" S Npc `value = DoSysCall(results[1].Value, "foundnpc", 1)`
Value := Npc `value = results[0].Value`
Value := Item `value = results[0].Value`
Value := Map `value = results[0].Value`
Value := Monster `value = results[0].Value`
Value := Skill `value = results[0].Value`
Value := Player `value = results[0].Value`
Value := Identifier `value = new AsmNode(null, new IrCode.Instruction(IrCode.Mnemonic.Get, results[0].Text.Trim()))`

Identifier := [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* S;

# Scaffolding
S := Space* `text = null`  # We use a separate space rule because x* always succeeds.
Space := [ \t\r\n] `;` `expected = "whitespace"`
Comment := '#' [^\n\r]* S;
MultilineComment := "#cs" (!"#ce".)* "#ce" S;
MultilineComment := "/*" (!"*/".)* "*/" S;
Tips and Tricks:
When statement blocks can be used to create code that simultaneously executes with each other.
when true
    # put code in here for thread 1
when true
    # put code in here for thread 2
while true
    # your main thread code here
All 3 commented spots execute all at the same time on a continuous loop. This can be handy in some instances.

Xp Skill
Hacked method, better method will come later.
# 23/06/2010 4:05:39 AM universal time
when true
    attack self with superman
    sleep 1000
while true
    attack Macaque
Smart Potter
var maxhp = hp

when hp > maxhp maxhp = hp end

when maxhp - hp >= 70 use item Stancher end
when maxhp - hp >= 100 use item Resolutive end
when maxhp - hp >= 250 use item Painkiller end
when maxhp - hp >= 500 use item Amrita end
when maxhp - hp >= 800 use item Panacea end
when maxhp - hp >= 1200 use item Ginseng end
when maxhp - hp >= 2000 use item Vanilla end

# Insert your code here, the above code will do the smart autopotter
# while true end # Uncomment this while if you just want a smart potter by itself
General Stuff for Version 1.1+
if on map TwinCity
    status "You are on map TwinCity"
    status "You are not on map TwinCity"
sleep 1000
status "Your map id is " + mapId
sleep 1000
status "Your coordinates are (" + posx + "," + posy + ")"
sleep 1000
status "Your HP is " + hp
sleep 1000
if found monster Pheasant
    status "There is a pheasant on your screen"
if found item Meteor
    status "There is a meteor on the ground"
if amount of item TwinCityGate > 0
    status "You have a tc scroll in your inventory"
if found npc Conductress
    status "There's a pretty girl on your screen"
Random Jumps v1.1+
if found monster birdman
    attack monster birdman
    jump to posx + random 0,6 - 3, posy + random 0,6 - 3
Warning: There will be a small syntax change when upgrading to version 1.1. The following are the changes:
- monsters will start with the keyword "monster" before the monster name
- npcs will start with the keyword "npc" before the npc name
- items will start with the keyword "item" before the item name
- maps will start with the keyword "map" before the map name
- skills will start with the keyword "skill" before the skill name

do things allows for assigning monsters, npcs, items, maps, and skills to variables for use later on in your script.

For Example:
var mobs = monster birdman
while true
    attack mobs
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Old 06/22/2010, 12:32   #3
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Old 06/22/2010, 13:05   #4
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nice add also disconnect on all players because on your previews bot doesnt work anymore just a reminder
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Old 06/22/2010, 13:46   #5
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man why does the last survey always ask for mobile number xD
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Old 06/22/2010, 13:51   #6
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Originally Posted by gunite69 View Post
man why does the last survey always ask for mobile number xD
Surveys depends on the countries you are inn.
And probbly to call your phone over and over to sell products.
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Old 06/22/2010, 13:56   #7
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safe to use or ? and i need ask something Muilt safe ?
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Old 06/22/2010, 13:58   #8
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plz upload it on Mega Upload
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Old 06/22/2010, 14:04   #9
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@NEOGRU please read the first post....... he said he will upload it on different sites after 1 week but for now... he needs it to be on sharecash.. im guessing he needs some money doing the surveys and im trying to help him out ^^

also i have just recently returned to CO. and im just wandering are bots and model edits safe to use?
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Old 06/22/2010, 14:30   #10
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Originally Posted by clintonselke View Post
And sorry about sharecash. But we will do yaz a deal. One week sharecash before it becomes hotfile (or attachment) deal. It means you just need to wait one week, and you get a decent link.

i will wait
its a real good deal, at least i tried 15 surveys and got nothing :P
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Old 06/22/2010, 14:40   #11
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safe to use or ? and i need ask something Muilt safe ?
__________________ any answer please
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Old 06/22/2010, 14:41   #12
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wow..this is gonna be a blast....
im sure this is better..xD
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Old 06/22/2010, 15:11   #13
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safe to use or ? and i need ask something Muilt safe ?
__________________ any answer please why don't answer me
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Old 06/22/2010, 15:28   #14
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ok i will be download it on Sharecash
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Old 06/22/2010, 15:56   #15
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But if any one give me random usa phone number or download it on sharecash and upload it on megaupload plzzz
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