Hello guys,
Decided that i wanna trade my Human Female Mage , mage isnt fun anymore to play for me..
Here a littl overview of my equip:
Neck: Charm of the Shifting Sands
Shoulders: Zg shoulders
Back: Cloak of the Hakarri Worshipers
Chest: Zg chest
Wrist: Zg bracers
Hands: D2 gloves
Belt: D2 Belt
Legs: Bloodvine Leggins
Feet: Bloodvine Boots
Ring: Band of Servitude
Trinkets: Zandalarian Hero Charm/Briarwood Reed
Azursonge Mageblad(+30sp)
Scepter of Interminable Focus
So fully epic/blue
Completly around 400+ spell dmg
Other facts:
-Epic mount
-Mc/Bwl pre
-Rank 5 in pvp
-Revered with the Zandalar Tribe
-Alchemy/Herbalism 300
-Decent name
-Was never banned
On the account is also a nearly 60 undead priest.
Looking mainly for others classes prefering Rogues/Warrios/Shaman but open to other offers also. (Should be in the same equip class)
actually also open to SELL the account for ingame gold!
-Screenshots could be provided
not sure how they detect account traiding,and bann for that. Guess they wont see it aslong nobody tells them about the trade that
PM me here
or Skype: Grokuknak
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