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Hilfe print ausgabe in raidwarning umwandeln

Discussion on Hilfe print ausgabe in raidwarning umwandeln within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
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Question Hilfe print ausgabe in raidwarning umwandeln

Hallo leute,
Ich habe ein Addon namens Brez, was mir u.a., immer wenn jemand einen br ausführt in den chat eine print ausgabe für mich gibt, wer wen rezzt.

nun ist es aber in manchen situationen schwierig immer in den chat zu schauen, und eine ausgabe als raidwarnung bzw. raidwarnung nur für mich, fände ich wesentlich besser.

die frage ist nun, was ich genau ändern muss bzw. wie der code aussehen muss um diese print ausgabe als raidwarning zu erhalten.

so sieht die lua aus:
local brez = CreateFrame("Frame", "bRez", UIParent)
brez:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")
brez:SetScript("OnEvent", function(frame, event, ...) frame[event](frame, ...) end)
brez:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(frame) if IsAltKeyDown() then frame:StartMoving() end end)
brez:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(frame) frame:StopMovingOrSizing() end)

brez.cooldown = brez:CreateFontString("bRezCooldownText", "OVERLAY")
brez.cooldown:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", brez, "TOPLEFT")
brez.cooldown:SetFont(TextStatusBarText:GetFont(), 11, "OUTLINE")

brez.ready = brez:CreateFontString("bRezReadyText", "OVERLAY")
brez.ready:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", brez.cooldown, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0 , -10)
brez.ready:SetFont(TextStatusBarText:GetFont(), 11, "OUTLINE")

brez.count = brez:CreateFontString("bRezCountText", "OVERLAY")
brez.count:SetPoint("RIGHT", brez, "LEFT", -2, -2)
brez.count:SetFont(TextStatusBarText:GetFont(), 24, "OUTLINE")

local theDead, count = {}, 0
function brez:ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA()
	local _, type, _, _, maxPlayers = GetInstanceInfo()
	if type == "raid" then
		if not self.isEngaged then
			count = maxPlayers == 10 and 1 or 3
		self.count:SetFormattedText("|cFF00FF7F%d|r", count)
		if self:IsShown() then
			self.isEngaged = nil

function brez:PLAYER_LOGIN()
	if not bRezDB then bRezDB = {} end

function brez:EncounterUpdate(wiped)
	if wiped then
		for k in pairs(bRezDB) do
			bRezDB[k] = 0
	local _, _, _, _, maxPlayers = GetInstanceInfo()
	count = maxPlayers == 10 and 1 or 3
	self.count:SetFormattedText("|cFF00FF7F%d|r", count)

local redemption, feign, lastCheck, IsEncounterInProgress = GetSpellInfo(27827), GetSpellInfo(5384), 0, IsEncounterInProgress
local minutes, seconds, ready, cooldown = "%s("..MINUTE_ONELETTER_ABBR:gsub(" ", "")..") ", "%s("..SECOND_ONELETTER_ABBR:gsub(" ", "")..") ", "|cFF00FF7F"..READY.."|r: ", "|cFFFF0000"..ON_COOLDOWN.."|r: "
function brez:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(time, event, _, _, name, _, _, _, tarName, _, _, spellId, spellName)
	-- Rebirth/Raise Ally/Combat Soulstone/Soulstone
	if (event == "SPELL_RESURRECT" and (spellId == 20484 or spellId == 61999 or spellId == 95750)) or (spellId == 20707 and event == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED") then
		bRezDB[name] = time
		local tbl = CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS -- Support custom class color addons, if installed
		local _, class = UnitClass(tarName)
		local t = class and tbl[class] or GRAY_FONT_COLOR -- Failsafe, rarely UnitClass can return nil
		_, class = UnitClass(name)
		local s = class and tbl[class] or GRAY_FONT_COLOR -- Failsafe, rarely UnitClass can return nil
		print("|cFF33FF99bRez|r: ", ("|Hplayer:""|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x[""]|r|h"):format(s.r * 255, s.g * 255, s.b * 255), ">>",
			"|cFFFF0000|Hspell:"..spellId.."|h["..spellName.."]|h|r", ">>",
			("|Hplayer:"..tarName.."|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x["..tarName.."]|r|h"):format(t.r * 255, t.g * 255, t.b * 255)
		if spellId ~= 20707 then -- A warlock just applied a non-combat Soulstone to someone, don't add them to the deaths table
			theDead[tarName] = "br"

	-- Lots of lovely checks before adding someone to the deaths table
	if event == "UNIT_DIED" and self.isEngaged and UnitIsPlayer(tarName) and not UnitIsFeignDeath(tarName) and not UnitBuff(tarName, redemption) and not UnitBuff(tarName, feign) then
		theDead[tarName] = "r"

	if time - lastCheck < 2 then return end

	if not self.isEngaged and IsEncounterInProgress() then
		self.isEngaged = true
	elseif self.isEngaged and not IsEncounterInProgress() then
		self.isEngaged = nil

	for k,v in pairs(theDead) do
		if UnitBuff(k, redemption) or UnitBuff(k, feign) or UnitIsFeignDeath(k) then -- The backup plan, you need one with Blizz
			theDead[k] = nil
		elseif not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(k) and UnitIsConnected(k) and UnitAffectingCombat(k) then
			local tbl = CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS or RAID_CLASS_COLORS -- Support custom class color addons, if installed
			local _, class = UnitClass(k)
			local s = class and tbl[class] or GRAY_FONT_COLOR -- Failsafe, rarely UnitClass can return nil
			if class == "SHAMAN" and v == "r" then
				print("|cFF33FF99bRez|r: ", ("|Hplayer:"..k.."|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x["..k.."]|r|h"):format(s.r * 255, s.g * 255, s.b * 255), ">>",
				if v == "r" then
					print("|cFF33FF99bRez|r: ", ("|Hplayer:"..k.."|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x["..k.."]|r|h"):format(s.r * 255, s.g * 255, s.b * 255), ">>",
				if self.isEngaged then count = count - 1 end
			self.count:SetFormattedText("%s%d|r", count > 0 and "|cFF00FF7F" or "|cFFFF0000", count)
			theDead[k] = nil
	lastCheck = time
	local cdnames = cooldown
	local readynames = ready
	for k, v in pairs(bRezDB) do
		-- Replace server names with *
		local name = k:match("^(.-)%-")
		name = name and name.."*" or k

		if v > 0 then
			local timeleft = (select(2, UnitClass(k)) == "WARLOCK" and 900 or 600) - (time - v)
			if timeleft > 60 then
				cdnames = cdnames .. (minutes):format(name, ceil(timeleft / 60))
			elseif timeleft < 4 then
				bRezDB[k] = 0
				readynames = readynames .. (UnitIsDeadOrGhost(k) and "|cFFFF0000" or "|cFFFFFFFF" .. ". |r"
				cdnames = cdnames .. (seconds):format(name, timeleft)
			readynames = readynames .. (UnitIsDeadOrGhost(k) and "|cFFFF0000" or "|cFFFFFFFF" .. ". |r"

function brez:GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE()
	local _, type, _, _, maxPlayers = GetInstanceInfo()
	if type ~= "raid" then return end

	for k in pairs(bRezDB) do
		if not UnitInRaid(k) then
			bRezDB[k] = nil
			theDead[k] = nil

	for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers() do
		local player, _, subgroup, _, _, class = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
		if class == "DRUID" or class == "DEATHKNIGHT" or class == "WARLOCK" then
			if subgroup <= maxPlayers/5 then
				if not bRezDB[player] then
					bRezDB[player] = 0
				bRezDB[player] = nil
katzenjoe is offline  
Old 11/19/2012, 21:56   #2
elite*gold: 0
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So, you want that the text is also printed as a Raid Warning and not just as a message in chat, right?

(Also, Sie wollen, dass der Text auch als Raid Warning und nicht nur als eine Nachricht im Chat gedruckt, richtig?)
vabatta is offline  
Old 11/19/2012, 22:58   #3
elite*gold: 0
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yes but it doesnt have to print both, just a raidwarning would be nice

and if its not a big deal a also a sound for that would be nice but thats optional :P
katzenjoe is offline  
Old 11/20/2012, 15:33   #4
elite*gold: 104
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Raidwarning wird meines Wissens an alle Mitglieder des Raids geschickt, müsstest du mal schauen.. kann man sicher auch anders regeln z.b mit nem Text aufm Bildschirm den man in einer Ecke anzeigt.
Cambios is offline  
Old 11/20/2012, 18:11   #5
elite*gold: 0
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es gibt auch ne virtuelle raidwarnung, die man quasi nur im endsprechenden raidwarnugs-frame für sich selbst angezeigt bekommt. sieht man zb. ganz oft bei bossmods.
geht sich halt nur drum, das man die warnug besser sieht bzw sie mehr in der mitte ist, und man nicht erst im chat suchen muss...
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Old 11/20/2012, 21:21   #6
elite*gold: 0
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Just use this:
RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidWarningFrame, <TEXT TO PRINT>, { ["r"] = 1, ["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 0 })
You just need to replace the holder <TEXT TO PRINT> with the text that you need to print. Only you will see the message.

Use instead of print in the script you posted, and for the text, you will need to remove every comma from the text and add a + instead.

Hope that this help!
vabatta is offline  
Old 11/21/2012, 14:05   #7
elite*gold: 0
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im sorry but that doesnt work.
ive changed the script like u said, but everytime my brez is done, and the message should appear i get this error message:

Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\bRez\bRez.lua line 85:
attempt to perform arithmetic on a string value
[string "*:OnLoad"]:6:
[string "*:OnLoad"]:1
[C]: ?
bRez\bRez.lua:85: ?()
this is what i changed.
from this
local s = class and tbl[class] or GRAY_FONT_COLOR -- Failsafe, rarely UnitClass can return nil
		print("|cFF33FF99bRez|r: ", ("|Hplayer:""|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x[""]|r|h"):format(s.r * 255, s.g * 255, s.b * 255), ">>",
			"|cFF71d5ff|Hspell:"..spellId.."|h["..spellName.."]|h|r", ">>",
			("|Hplayer:"..tarName.."|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x["..tarName.."]|r|h"):format(t.r * 255, t.g * 255, t.b * 255)
		if spellId ~= 20707 then -- A warlock just applied a non-combat Soulstone to someone, don't add them to the deaths table
			theDead[tarName] = "br"
to this
local s = class and tbl[class] or GRAY_FONT_COLOR -- Failsafe, rarely UnitClass can return nil
		RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidWarningFrame, ("|cFF33FF99bRez|r: "+ ("|Hplayer:""|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x[""]|r|h"):format(s.r * 255+ s.g * 255+ s.b * 255)+ ">>"+
			"|cFF71d5ff|Hspell:"..spellId.."|h["..spellName.."]|h|r"+ ">>"+
			("|Hplayer:"..tarName.."|h|cFF%02x%02x%02x["..tarName.."]|r|h"):format(t.r * 255+ t.g * 255+ t.b * 255)
		),{["r"] = 1,["g"] = 1, ["b"] = 0 })
		if spellId ~= 20707 then -- A warlock just applied a non-combat Soulstone to someone, don't add them to the deaths table
			theDead[tarName] = "br"
whats wrong?
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Old 11/25/2012, 03:32   #8
elite*gold: 0
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Oh sorry, confusion with programming language. In LUA to concatenate string the operator is "..", so replace all "+" with it and it should works.

PS.: I saw something in your code about a color. I will try to implement it later, maybe.
vabatta is offline  

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