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XFish Bot

Discussion on XFish Bot within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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Lowfyr's Avatar
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; AutoIt Version: 3.0 
; Name:      Xfish 
; Language:    English 
; Platform:    WinXP 
; Author:     xeonz16 
; Script Function: 
;  WoW Xfish 
; Some hints and tips...Deviate fish and Oily Blackmouth are really the only kind that sell 
;in my experience...I'm only 150 fishing though. If you leave bot on all night, it will fill your 
;inventory up with 2-3 stacks of 'rare' fish and zillions of stacks of common crappy ones that 
;you either destroy or sell for 20c a stack. I've found if you SPIKE your inventory before 
;turning the bot on you can catch a way more rare fish. However, this will take longer. 
;I've guessed the bot fills up a medium-low sized inventory in about 3-4 hours. For me, 
;I have to go to work for periods of about 12 hours anyway, so I spike my inventory, by 
;taking a stack of 20 oily blackmouth and splitting them into 20 stacks of 1. After 12 hours 
;when I get home I've got 20 stacks of oily blackmouth instead of 2-3 stacks and 20 stacks of 
;cheapo fish. You can catch oily blackmouth in the water near ratchet, and deviate fish 
; + deviate scales I think in the oasis's scattered around the barrens. If you are gonna 
;fish the oasis you need to pick a spot VERY carefully so the wandering centaurs don't 
;kill you. When you catch these, you need to sell them to PLAYERS, namely alchemists...they won't 
;get you crap from merchants. 
;for troubleshooting the first thing you should do is set $splash to 1 
; remember to turn it back to zero after you have the bot leaving it on 
;will limit the bot's lifespan to about 3-4 hours. 
;this allows you to see which stage of the script the bot is in then 
;if the mouse moves to a wrong location, then lower $colorvariance 
;if the mouse doesn't move and the bot gets hung up on 'searching for feather' raise $colorvariance 
;if the mouse moves to the feather, and then the bot says 'FISH!' without a splash, lower $splashvariance 
; the bobber splashes and the bot does not do anything, raise $splashvariance 
;move the variances in increments of 5 for best result... 
;for trouble FINDING THE BOBBER-- 
;notice there are several definitions of $feather commented out 
;comment out the current one and use another, and then retry adjusting variances 
;for trouble WITH SPLASHES-- 
;there are two pixelsearchs for splash, one uses $day and nother uses $night, you can 
;remark one or the other out depending. You can also adjust the $s_offset. This determines 
;how many pixels in each direction from the feather the bot 'searches' for the splash. 
;if you tighten this down you will have less missfires. 
;if you are getting lots of 'moonglare' you might have to move to another side of the lake 
;too much moonglare will cause missfires, changing your location might be the only solution. 

hotkeyset("{ESC}", "Term") 
;these are the colorcodes obtained by pantless crab for different splashes 
; Colour of splash - 
;     0xA2A67D 
;     0xC1AD7A 
;     0xD0C08D 

;this is the box definitions that decide how large of an area to scan for the feather 
$left = 75 
$top = 200 
$right = 748 
$bottom = 421 

;these are various variables for the operation of fish bot 
$day = 0xF6F6F6&#59;splash color day 
$night = 0xEEEEEE&#59;splash color night 
;$feather = 0x31314E&#59;day --blue feather 
;$feather = 0x1A130F&#59;night --dark dark red 
;$feather = 0x501C0D&#59;day --bright red 
$feather = 0xC54819&#59;night --bright red 
$colourVariance =15&#59;range of accepted values differing from original code for feather 
$splashVariance =34&#59;range of accepted values differing from original code for splash 
$step =2&#59;1 = search every pixel, 2 = search every other pixel...etc don't put higher then like 5 
$s_offset =25&#59;search offset, basically how large an area to search around the feather for splash 
$splash =0&#59;set this to 1 to view GUI messages, so you can tell where the bot gets hung up 
;but turn it to zero once the bot is working, and the bot will 'last' for DAYS 
;as compared to maybe 4-5 hours with GUI on. 
$width = 100&#59; width of GUI box 
$height = 60&#59; Height of GUI box--note these two are changed periodically through the script 
dim $feather_cord, $time, $sp&#59;various definitions 

while 1&#59;main loop 
  WinActivate("World of Warcraft") 
  $start2 = Timerinit()&#59;start timer 
 &#59;this loop searches for feather 
  while 1 
   $dif = TimerDiff($start2) 
   if $dif > 35000 then&#59;if timer > then 35 seconds then restart bot IE can't find feather 
   $message = "Searching for feather..." 
   $height = 60 
   &#59;find where the feather is located 
   $feather_cord = PixelSearch ($left, $top, $right, $bottom, $feather, $colourVariance, $step) 
   if NOT @error = 1 then 
     seterror(2)&#59;resets @error macro so it doesn't fire next loop 
     $message = "Found Something." 
    &#59;setting arrayed cords to variables to allow easier manipulation 
     $featherx = $feather_cord[0] 
     $feathery = $feather_cord[1] 
     mousemove($featherx, $feathery)&#59;move mouse to feather 
  $start = Timerinit() 
 &#59;this loop waits for the splash once feather is found 
  While 1 
   $message = "Waiting for bite..." 
   $height = 100 
   &#59;calc area of probable splash 
   $s_left = ($featherx - $s_offset) 
   $s_top = ($feathery - $s_offset) 
   $s_right = ($featherx + $s_offset) 
   $s_bottom = ($feathery + $s_offset) 
   &#59;these switch between day and night splash...I've been just commenting one of them out 
   $sp = Pixelsearch($s_left, $s_top, $s_right, $s_bottom, $day, $splashvariance) 
   &#59;$sp = Pixelsearch($s_left, $s_top, $s_right, $s_bottom, $night, $splashvariance) 
   $dif = TimerDiff($start) 
   if $dif > 35000 then&#59;resets bot if no bite within 35 seconds 
   if ubound($sp) > 1 then&#59;if $sp returns cords then shift + rightclick, discards $sp cords 
   $message = "Fish!" 
   $height = 60 
   mouseclick("right", $featherx, $feathery, 1, 1) 

;this func just updates splash message if the variable $splash is set to '1' in the beginning 
func update_splash () 
  if $splash = 1 then 
  SplashTextOn( "", $message , $width , $height ,1 ,1 , 17) 
func Term () 
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Old 03/24/2005, 08:52   #2
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Hallo Lowfyr!

Nachdem ich echt tonnen von Bots probiert habe - dieser ist der beste. Er ist vielleicht nicht der bedienerfreundlichste aber dein Algorhythmus der Federfindung ...... der ist sauschnell!

Danke dir vielmals! Eventuell mache ich ihn etwas bedienerfreundlcher .... mal sehen.

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Old 03/24/2005, 15:59   #3
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Da ein paar User Probleme mit den Bot haben....hier ein kleiner Help:

Ok eventuell kann ich ein wenig helfen!

Der Fishbot von Lowfyr (XFISH) ist folgender maßen aufgebaut.

Zuerst mal das wichtigeste Tag oder Nacht.

Er hat dazu im Script 2 Zeilen wobei eine von beiden mit einen Semikolon außer Kraft zu setzen ist. WICHTIG nicht die Variabeln außer Kraft setzen sondern die Zeilen wo sie vorkommen.

$sp = Pixelsearch($s_left, $s_top, $s_right, $s_bottom, $day, $splashvariance)
;$sp = Pixelsearch($s_left, $s_top, $s_right, $s_bottom, $night, $splashvariance)

Man muß das Game auch im Windows Mode haben. (Ich glaube ich habe den Hardware-Cursor sogar auf on gelassen). Dann auf den Desktop wechseln, Script starten und ganz schnell auf WOW zurückwechseln.

Außerdem die richtige Fliegenfarbe:

$feather = 0xC54819;night --bright red
;$feather = 0x501C0D;day --bright red

Die Fenstergröße (in Auto-It ist ein Tool für die Mausposition):

$left = 75
$top = 200
$right = 748
$bottom = 421

Man kann vorher im Script noch $splash auf 1 setzen, dann hat man links oben ein Control-Fenster und weiß wo sich das Scipt gerade befindet.

Nach dem Starten gibts (außer es funzt) 2 Möglichkeiten:

Der Cursor bewegt sich nicht: Erhöhe die $colorvariance
Der Cursor bewegt sich aber er findet die Feder nicht: Senke die $colorvariance

Wenn der Mauszeiger dann die Feder findet gibt es noch 2 Möglichkeiten:

Das script meint dass ein fisch dran hängt (ist aber nicht wahr): Senke $splashvariance
Oder es beisst ein riesiger Wal mit Erdbebenstärke 12 und keiner merkts: Erhöhe $splashvariance

Das ist die ganze Hexerei. Ok ich habe 3 Stunden gebraucht damit es ca. 60-70 % der Fische erwischt.

Abstürzen tut es nur wenn der Köder beim allerersten Durchlauf nicht gefunden wird.


IM FENSTER DARF NUR WASSER LIEGEN. Jeder andere Hintergrund oder Felsen die von unten zu stark durchschimmern sind störend. Auch darf das Fenster nicht unter den "ANGELBALKEN" gehen und es dürgen auch keien Seitenfenster etc. im Fenster liegen.

Hoffe geholfen zu haben.

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Old 03/24/2005, 16:45   #4
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was fuer mich unendlich viel wichtiger war:

damit die farbe der feder bestimmen, und dann bei
$feather = 0xXXXXXX eintragen... ich hatte zuerst probleme, hab dann aber dies gemacht, eingesetzt und so die feder immer gefunden, nur den splash ab und zu nicht... => $splashvariance erhoet, und ich verliere praktisch nie mehr einen fisch... das ganze hat mich etwa 10 minuten gekostet...
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Old 03/25/2005, 07:06   #5
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wenn du das

WinActivate("World of Warcraft")

austauscht dann brauchste nicht schnell wow fenster aktivieren weil das macht der dann selber
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Old 03/26/2005, 10:49   #6
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WinActivate("World of Warcraft") <--- us

WinActivate("WORLD OF WARCRAFT") <--- german
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Old 03/27/2005, 19:17   #7
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hab das ganze zwar zum laufen gebracht ( endlich!!! )
aber passieren tut bei mir nüscht, kann jemand von euch mal plz
sagen worans liegt

hab schon die splashvariance und colorvariance höher gemacht

kann mal wer von euch sein script, so wie es imo ist posten ? ;D
z.b. Senty da der fast alles fängt

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Old 03/29/2005, 05:40   #8
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hab mit dem bot auch noch so meine probleme ich steh hier in bb im wasser und der findet die ferder net ..:/ ich hab schon alles ausproiert nur irgendwie willer net und ausserdems chmeisst der mir manchmal fehermeldungen hin
ausserdem kann mir nohcmal bitte jmd die sachen mit top left right usw erklären ??
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Old 04/01/2005, 16:53   #9
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Ich habe ihn zum laufen bekommen, nur leider wirft er bei mir die ANgel nicht aus sondern baut eine feuerfalle auf :/

Plz help

mfg w0rmload
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Old 04/01/2005, 16:58   #10
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lol, du musst auch deine Spellleiste anpassen wie es oben steht
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Old 04/01/2005, 19:37   #11
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ok, habs jetzt hinbekommen sorry hatte blackout ^^

Ein kleines Problem habe ich aber noch. undzwar wenn ich in der nacht fische findet er die Pfeder nicht habe schon die Farbcodes die im Quelltext stehen ausprobiert und das Farbtool funz bei mir nicht bzw hängt sich nach dem starten auf.

sagt mir mal bitte welchen Farbcode ihr bei nach nehmt.

mfg w0rmload
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Old 04/13/2005, 01:06   #12
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also ich mach des so das ich mir nachts stellen suche an denen ich die feder bright red verwenden kann .. dazu muss man schaun das man in richtung vom hellen horizont schaut hier ist mein momentanes script ka was ich da alles geändert hatte .. auf auf jeden fall lagfreundlich eingestellt (wenn man z.b. nebenbei downloadet bzw uploaded^^)
; AutoIt Version&#58; 3.0 
; Name&#58;      Xfish 
; Language&#58;    English 
; Platform&#58;    WinXP 
; Author&#58;     xeonz16 
; Script Function&#58; 
;  WoW Xfish 
; Some hints and tips...Deviate fish and Oily Blackmouth are really the only kind that sell 
;in my experience...I'm only 150 fishing though. If you leave bot on all night, it will fill your 
;inventory up with 2-3 stacks of 'rare' fish and zillions of stacks of common crappy ones that 
;you either destroy or sell for 20c a stack. I've found if you SPIKE your inventory before 
;turning the bot on you can catch a way more rare fish. However, this will take longer. 
;I've guessed the bot fills up a medium-low sized inventory in about 3-4 hours. For me, 
;I have to go to work for periods of about 12 hours anyway, so I spike my inventory, by 
;taking a stack of 20 oily blackmouth and splitting them into 20 stacks of 1. After 12 hours 
;when I get home I've got 20 stacks of oily blackmouth instead of 2-3 stacks and 20 stacks of 
;cheapo fish. You can catch oily blackmouth in the water near ratchet, and deviate fish 
; + deviate scales I think in the oasis's scattered around the barrens. If you are gonna 
;fish the oasis you need to pick a spot VERY carefully so the wandering centaurs don't 
;kill you. When you catch these, you need to sell them to PLAYERS, namely alchemists...they won't 
;get you crap from merchants. 
;for troubleshooting the first thing you should do is set &#036;splash to 1 
; remember to turn it back to zero after you have the bot leaving it on 
;will limit the bot's lifespan to about 3-4 hours. 
;this allows you to see which stage of the script the bot is in then 
;if the mouse moves to a wrong location, then lower &#036;colorvariance 
;if the mouse doesn't move and the bot gets hung up on 'searching for feather' raise &#036;colorvariance 
;if the mouse moves to the feather, and then the bot says 'FISH!' without a splash, lower &#036;splashvariance 
; the bobber splashes and the bot does not do anything, raise &#036;splashvariance 
;move the variances in increments of 5 for best result... 
;for trouble FINDING THE BOBBER-- 
;notice there are several definitions of &#036;feather commented out 
;comment out the current one and use another, and then retry adjusting variances 
;for trouble WITH SPLASHES-- 
;there are two pixelsearchs for splash, one uses &#036;day and nother uses &#036;night, you can 
;remark one or the other out depending. You can also adjust the &#036;s_offset. This determines 
;how many pixels in each direction from the feather the bot 'searches' for the splash. 
;if you tighten this down you will have less missfires. 
;if you are getting lots of 'moonglare' you might have to move to another side of the lake 
;too much moonglare will cause missfires, changing your location might be the only solution. 

hotkeyset&#40;&#34;{ESC}&#34;, &#34;Term&#34;&#41; 
;these are the colorcodes obtained by pantless crab for different splashes 
; Colour of splash - 
;     0xA2A67D 
;     0xC1AD7A 
;     0xD0C08D 

;this is the box definitions that decide how large of an area to scan for the feather 
&#036;left = 110 
&#036;top = 240
&#036;right = 1050
&#036;bottom = 530 

;these are various variables for the operation of fish bot 
&#036;day = 0xF6F6F6;splash color day 
&#036;night = 0xEEEEEE;splash color night 
;&#036;feather = 0x31314E;day --blue feather 
;&#036;feather = 0x1A130F;night --dark dark red 
&#036;feather = 0x501C0D;day --bright red 
;&#036;feather = 0xC54819;night --bright red 
&#036;colourVariance =30;range of accepted values differing from original code for feather 
&#036;splashVariance =20;range of accepted values differing from original code for splash 
&#036;step =1;1 = search every pixel, 2 = search every other pixel...etc don't put higher then like 5 
&#036;s_offset =25;search offset, basically how large an area to search around the feather for splash 
&#036;splash =1;set this to 1 to view GUI messages, so you can tell where the bot gets hung up 
;but turn it to zero once the bot is working, and the bot will 'last' for DAYS 
;as compared to maybe 4-5 hours with GUI on. 
&#036;width = 100; width of GUI box 
&#036;height = 60; Height of GUI box--note these two are changed periodically through the script 
dim &#036;feather_cord, &#036;time, &#036;sp;various definitions 

while 1;main loop 
 WinActivate&#40;&#34;World of Warcraft&#34;&#41; 
 &#036;start2 = Timerinit&#40;&#41;;start timer 
&#59;this loop searches for feather 
 while 1 
   &#036;dif = TimerDiff&#40;&#036;start2&#41; 
   if &#036;dif > 35000 then;if timer > then 35 seconds then restart bot IE can't find feather 
   &#036;message = &#34;Searching for feather...&#34; 
   &#036;height = 60 
  &#59;find where the feather is located 
   &#036;feather_cord = PixelSearch &#40;&#036;left, &#036;top, &#036;right, &#036;bottom, &#036;feather, &#036;colourVariance, &#036;step&#41; 
   if NOT @error = 1 then 
    seterror&#40;2&#41;;resets @error macro so it doesn't fire next loop 
    &#036;message = &#34;Found Something.&#34; 
   &#59;setting arrayed cords to variables to allow easier manipulation 
    &#036;featherx = &#036;feather_cord&#91;0&#93; 
    &#036;feathery = &#036;feather_cord&#91;1&#93; 
    mousemove&#40;&#036;featherx, &#036;feathery&#41;;move mouse to feather 
 &#036;start = Timerinit&#40;&#41; 
&#59;this loop waits for the splash once feather is found 
 While 1 
   &#036;message = &#34;Waiting for bite...&#34; 
   &#036;height = 100 
  &#59;calc area of probable splash 
   &#036;s_left = &#40;&#036;featherx - &#036;s_offset&#41; 
   &#036;s_top = &#40;&#036;feathery - &#036;s_offset&#41; 
   &#036;s_right = &#40;&#036;featherx + &#036;s_offset&#41; 
   &#036;s_bottom = &#40;&#036;feathery + &#036;s_offset&#41; 
  &#59;these switch between day and night splash...I've been just commenting one of them out 
  &#036;sp = Pixelsearch&#40;&#036;s_left, &#036;s_top, &#036;s_right, &#036;s_bottom, &#036;day, &#036;splashvariance&#41; 
  &#59;&#036;sp = Pixelsearch&#40;&#036;s_left, &#036;s_top, &#036;s_right, &#036;s_bottom, &#036;night, &#036;splashvariance&#41; 
   &#036;dif = TimerDiff&#40;&#036;start&#41; 
   if &#036;dif > 35000 then;resets bot if no bite within 35 seconds 
   if ubound&#40;&#036;sp&#41; > 1 then;if &#036;sp returns cords then shift + rightclick, discards &#036;sp cords 
   &#036;message = &#34;Fish!&#34; 
   &#036;height = 60 
   mouseclick&#40;&#34;right&#34;, &#036;featherx, &#036;feathery, 1, 1&#41; 

;this func just updates splash message if the variable &#036;splash is set to '1' in the beginning 
func update_splash &#40;&#41; 
 if &#036;splash = 1 then 
 SplashTextOn&#40; &#34;&#34;, &#036;message , &#036;width , &#036;height ,1 ,1 , 17&#41; 
func Term &#40;&#41; 

musst halt nur immer umstellen bei den federn und beim &#036;sp ^^
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Old 04/23/2005, 12:21   #13
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wie mache ich den daraus ein bot ??? und wie nutze ich den ???
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Old 04/23/2005, 14:37   #14
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saug dir autoit von

paste die codes in das prog und starte es
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Old 05/05/2005, 12:10   #15
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war ne frage und kommt jetzt ins richtige forum. :-)
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xfish bot
08/10/2005 - World of Warcraft - 4 Replies
holla, es geht wie man am topic sieht um des xfish bot. also irgendwas muss ich noch falsch machen, aber was? also angeln werfen klappt ja suppi. aber er braucht lange bis er den blinker erkennt, teilweise ca. 50% des ablaufbalken, wenn er den überhaupt mal erkennt. es ist nicht selten das er mich als blinker anvisiert, hab auch schon nackt geangelt..... sieht als ud nicht sehr prickelnd aus :-) und er packt es einfach nicht wenn der blinker zuckt, hab splashvariance schon auf 3...

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