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Gerüchte um 1.12

Discussion on Gerüchte um 1.12 within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
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Zwar nur aus dem US-Amerikanischen Forum kopiert, aber ...

The review will mainly be focused on talent changes and improvements, and I think that a lot of the concerns can be addressed solely through them. Keep in mind that 1.12 is a ways off though still, but I think were in pretty good shape for when we do ramp up for the changes in the rogue class.

- Due to significant talent changes, rogues will have all talent points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell replacements have been significantly reduced.
- Sap: Sap will no longer break stealth unless it misses. The improved sap talent has been removed from the subtlety tree.
- Garrote: Garrote will now silence the rogue's target for 2 seconds in addition to the bleed effect.
- Eviscerate: Eviscerate now has a new rank (Rank 9) which can be obtained from Blackrock Spire.
- Sprint: This ability now has a 1.5 minute cooldown, but only lasts for 10 seconds and now improves your movement speed by 50% at the max rank.
- Venomous Strike: A new ability, Venomous Strike, has been added. This ability is trainable by all rogues level 40 and above. This ability does 50 damage and is guaranteed to proc any poison on the rogue's mainhand weapon. Venomous strike costs 20 energy and has a 10 second cooldown.
- Poison blends: Several new rare and epic poison recipess have been added. These new recipes allow the rogue to blend together select poisons to produce a new poison with multiple effects. However, the effect of each poison will be slightly diminished in the process. For example, a new recipe will allow the rogue to blend together crippling and mind numbing poison to produce a new poison that has a 25% chance on hit to reduce your opponent's movement speed to 45% of normal and increase their casting time by 45% for 12 seconds.

- Improved Expose Armor: Now lowers your target's defense skill by 5/10/15 points in addition to the increased armor reduction.
- Vile Poisons: This talent now increases the damage dealt by poisons by 4%/8%/12%/16%/20% and improves the effectiveness of wound and mind numbing poison by 3%/6%/9%/12%/15%.
- Improved Instant Poison: This talent has been replaced with a new talent, Improved Poisons
- Improved Poisons: This talent increases the chance to apply all rogue poisons by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%.
- Improved Deadly Poison: This talent has been removed as its effect has been merged into the Improved Poisons talent.
- Dagger Specialization: This talent has been moved to the assassination tree to replace Improved Deadly poison as a tier 5 talent in the assassination tree.

- Lightning Reflexes: This talent now increases your melee attack speed by 1%/2%/3%in addition to improving your chance to dodge by 1%/2%/3%. A maximum of 3 points may be invested into this talent.
- Improved Evasion: Now increases the duration of evasion by 5/10 seconds.
- Improved Sprint: This talent now increases the duration of sprint by 2/4/6 seconds and the speed boost by 5%/10%/15%.
- Aggression: This talent has been moved up to replace Dagger Specialization as a tier 4 talent in the combat tree.
- Throwing Weapon Specialization: This talent has been replaced with a new talent, Assassin's Fury.
- Assassin's Fury: This talent grants the rogue a 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% chance per combo point when using a finishing move to send the rogue into a rage, increasing the rogue's attack power by 200 for 15 seconds.

- Rapid Concealment: Now lowers the cooldown of your stealth ability by 2/3/5 seconds per talent point.
- Master of Deception: Now increases the rogue's effective stealth level by 1/2/3 per talent point.
- Camouflage: Now increases the rogue's movement speed while stealthed by 5%/10%/15%.
- Initiative: Now grants a 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% chance to add an extra combo point when using an opening move.
- Ghostly Strike: Energy cost lowered to 30 energy. In addition, the 15% increased chance to dodge buff will now last for 10 seconds.
- Improved Garrote: This talent now increases the duration of the silence effect of garrote by 1/2 seconds per talent point, in addition to increasing the damage dealt by the bleed effect by 10%/20%. Improved Garrote no longer increases the duration of the bleed effect.
- Improved Vanish: This talent now grants the rogue a shield that absorbs 150/300/450 damage when vanish is used. While this shield holds, stealth will not be broken. This shield lasts for the duration of vanish, or until the shield is consumed or the rogue exits stealth.
- Improved Sap: This talent has been removed and replaced with Deadly Focus.
- Deadly Focus: This new talent has been added to replace Improved Sap as a tier 4 talent in the subtlety tree. This talent increases the rogue's chance to resist fear, seduce, and polymorph effects by 5%/10%/15% per talent point.
- Improved Distract: This talent has been removed and replaced with Premeditation, which is now a tier 5 talent in the subtlety tree.
- Setup: Now grants a 25%/50%/75% chance to add a combo point when dodging an attack. However, this effect can not occur more than once every 4 seconds.
- Master Illusionist: This new talent will replace Premeditation as the tier 7 talent in the Subtlety tree. When used, the rogue summons a shadowy illusion to aid the rogue in battle. This illusion deals half the damage of the rogue, but is identical in appearance and stamina to the rogue. The illusion lasts 30 seconds or until killed.
This ability has a 10 minute cooldown.
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Old 06/19/2006, 09:54   #2

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Wenn das stimmt (wovon ich nicht zu 100% überzeugt bin) , dann wird der Schurke immer ähnlicher zu einer Assasine aus Diablo 2
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Old 06/19/2006, 10:21   #3
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100% Ein Fake. Wurde im USA Forum von einem Forenmitglied gepostet und von Blizzard nicht bestätigt. Wobei es alles in allem schon ziehmlich schlüssig klingt.

Meiner Meinung nach sollte man am Schurken nur Verbessertes Zerhäckseln aus den Meucheln-Baum mit Verbessertes-Meucheln im Kampf-Baum austauschen.
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Old 06/19/2006, 14:27   #4
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Sollte der patch 1.12 auch nicht noch der PvP patch werden?^^

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Old 06/19/2006, 14:34   #5
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Yeha, wenns stimmt wirds mega fett
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Old 06/19/2006, 14:40   #6
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lol Assasin's Fury 200AP für 15 sek mehr!
Wenn das stimmt werden 3k Backstabs standart, bye bye ihr Stoffis ;_;
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Old 06/19/2006, 14:50   #7

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hrhrhrhrhr ouh gott , sorry iss zwar OT aber deine sig mihawk .. so göttlich .. karma up ^^

b2t :

wenn das stimmen sollte, wo von ich derb mal nicht ausgehe, werden die t0 stoffies im BG nichts mehr zu suchen haben da es dann selbst auf lvl 60 noch 1hit kills geben kann .. -.-
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Old 06/19/2006, 14:54   #8
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- Assassin's Fury: This talent grants the rogue a 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% chance per combo point when using a finishing move to send the rogue into a rage, increasing the rogue's attack power by 200 for 15 seconds.
am besten noch mit Crusader.. D
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Old 06/19/2006, 16:22   #9
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F.a.k.e. da imba, k?
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Old 06/19/2006, 21:53   #10
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das wäre zu schön um wahr zu sein^^
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Old 06/20/2006, 02:14   #11
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omg wenn das alles stimmt dann gibts im sommer gehackte elfen en masse

kombinierte gifte, schild beim vanish, ein doppelgänger...

einfach imba... <freu>
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Old 06/20/2006, 09:53   #12
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Originally posted by SuI2k@Jun 19 2006, 14:50
hrhrhrhrhr ouh gott , sorry iss zwar OT aber deine sig mihawk .. so göttlich .. karma up ^^

b2t :

wenn das stimmen sollte, wo von ich derb mal nicht ausgehe, werden die t0 stoffies im BG nichts mehr zu suchen haben da es dann selbst auf lvl 60 noch 1hit kills geben kann .. -.-
bei priester und mages vielleicht aber hexer denk ich mal net (je nach dem). ich hatte fast 5k hp....mehr als so mancher krieger xD wenn ich dann noch void draussen hab und seelenverbindung....bye bye schurke ;D

naja, blizzard wirds den leuten eh nie recht machen können, irgendjemand wird sich immer generft fühlen...whine whine..
wow@beta4ever ftw
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Old 06/20/2006, 13:45   #13
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Weiss gar net was man am schurken umpatchen sollte? oO
K vanish bugs müssen raus aber das wars ^^

I'm happy to be a 1.10 Rogue :P
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Old 06/20/2006, 15:46   #14
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Halte ich für durchaus realistisch... ich glaube drann

(ich hab auch vorher net geglaubt das dudus alle 15 sek instan healen können, sie können es! also wiso sollten schurken net auch son imba upgrade bekommen)
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Old 06/20/2006, 16:54   #15
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- Venomous Strike: A new ability, Venomous Strike, has been added. This ability is trainable by all rogues level 40 and above. This ability does 50 damage and is guaranteed to proc any poison on the rogue's mainhand weapon. Venomous strike costs 20 energy and has a 10 second cooldown.

wenn ich richtig verstanden habe heißt das , das ALLES was auf der Mainhand verzaubert ( zB Crussader ) oder draufgemacht wurde ( Gifte ) mit 100% wahrscheinlichkeit proct?

Wie imba is das denn?!

Hoffe das isn fake Rogues sind doch eh schon ziemlich generfed worden die solln lieber die Hexer mehr nerfen^^
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