Power Leveling:
Order - Price
90-100 - 50$
Profession Leveling:
Order - Price
Gathering Professions 1-700 - 30$
Gathering Professions 600-700 - 10$
Production Professions 1-700 - 80$
Production Professions 600-700 - 30$
Battle Pet Leveling:
Order - Price
1-25 - 10$
Battle Pet Achievements:
Order - Price
Taming Azeroth - 75$ (15$ per zone)
Taming Draenor - 20$
Battle Pet Collecting:
Just contact me for price, there is too many of them to write down
Payment Method:
Skype: GoldenMMOShop <--- Click
Power leveling ( Extra info ):
- You keep all the loot which was colleted while leveling your toon
- Same IP will be used all the time for your account ( each account which will be leveled will have their own IP )
- You are able to demand to change IP on your country IP ( not recommended )
- You are able to give your own demands how you want your account to be leveled
- You are not able to get refund after leveling already started
If you need something which is not on selling list, just contact me