I'm seeling an account on Feenix - Warsong Realm. This account includes:
Undead warrior
Tank Gear:
8/9 T3 include Thunderfury/shield and Styleens Scarab trinket and mixed Naxx weapons.
8/8 T2
Dps gear:
5/5 T2.5
Rank 13 items
Dark Edge of Insanity,Ashkandi,Severance axe,BWL,AQ40 mixed BIS items.
Currently rank 13 Warlord
ZG raptor/Black war raptor/Wolf
Exalted with:WSG/AB/AV/Cenarion/ZG/The Argent crusade/AQ40 reputation
300 alchemy with Titans/Supreme/Winsdom
300 herbalism
300 cooking
300 first aid
62K gold+many herbs in bank.
I have all information including email and I will only consider paypal verified members,feel free to add me on skype for more info:Connor.Frosty
Feel free to add me to negotiate!