WTS ilvl 396 Rogue on Kazzak-EU (Horde) 02/24/2012 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies What my wow account contains.
Goblin Female Rogue:
17000 Gold
Full Blackfang 396 Gear 4/5 tho. 2/5 t11 heroic. for set bonus.
Fear and Vegence daggers. Got like 50 Gems.
2/8 Heroic in Dragon Soul (Morchok and Hagara)
8/8 Normal. (Destroyer's End title)
Corrupted Firehawk Mount (From Firelands achievement)
WTS ilvl 396 Rogue on Kazzak-EU (Horde) 02/23/2012 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies What my wow account contains.
Goblin Female Rogue:
17000 Gold
Full Blackfang 396 Gear 4/5 tho. 2/5 t11 heroic. for set bonus.
Fear and Vegence daggers. Got like 50 Gems.
2/8 Heroic in Dragon Soul (Morchok and Hagara)
8/8 Normal. (Destroyer's End title)
Corrupted Firehawk Mount (From Firelands achievement)
*** GOLDS on Kazzak (eu) - H / Stormscale (eu) - H / Outland (eu) - A Cheap!!*** 01/20/2012 - World of Warcraft Trading - 2 Replies http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/3825/goldcoinsp iecesor.jpg
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Hello :)
I m a private seller from france (european IP) and i want to sell golds on theses realms
KAZZAK EU HORDE 0.50 $ / K 75 K
WTS WoW Golds - Cho'Gall Eu Horde 10/14/2011 - World of Warcraft Trading - 7 Replies Hello,
I'm selling 300 000 golds on Cho'Gall EU, Horde side.
I'm looking for serious buyer.
Payment has to be done by Moneybookers.
Golds are mine, so this is not from hacked account or anything.
Trading gold EU neptulon ally - Kazzak horde 07/28/2010 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies Hiho, I'd like to trade gold from neptulon ally to kazzak horde. No scams please, thanks!