WTS: Molten-WoW premium account 04/25/2013 - World of Warcraft Trading - 7 Replies Hi Guys,
As above, I am giving up on WoW hence I'll be selling off to whom who are interested. The 1st main toon is a DK followed by a Warlock and a Warrior. All are level 80. The account left with 7 coins and 202 vote points.
Below are some screenshots and item information. All donor items are Heroic version except for the S8 Wrathful items and legendary Shadowmourne.
http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x285/m3t4lz0n3 /Molten%20WoW%20FS/DK.jpg
WTT Molten WoW Account 03/04/2012 - World of Warcraft Trading - 5 Replies Hello all!
I want to trade my molten wow account.You will fiind the following characters on it:
Paladin (Realm Frostwolf x3) - Holy PvP 6k gs, Retri PvP 5.9k gs, Protection PvE 5.6k.In bank there are a few pve items for both holy and retri.Professions: Jewelcrafting and Mining.
Rogue (Realm: Warrsong Pure PvP) - assassination 5.5k gs `Profesions: Jewelcrafting and Enchanting.
Shaman (Realm: Sargeras x20) - resto 4.9k gs. Profesions: Jc and mining. It haves elemental items in bags.
[FREE] Molten WoW Account lv 85 DK 07/08/2011 - World of Warcraft Trading - 2 Replies Hey guys
I stop playing WoW. I've got an account on Molten WoW, Deathwing, which I give you for free with a dk lv 85 night elf:
Acc name: sar123
pw: Madness 57
have fun, the first who changes pw etc. has won the acc ;)
Molten account selling 01/22/2011 - World of Warcraft Trading - 0 Replies Selling undead Mage full pve 5550gs.
Frostwolf realm.
Skype: xpiman
Write with offer to skype.