I am selling my WOT EU account...contact me for information...account name is Dzamy014....you can look account at WOT... for everything else contact me ....Account Created at: 11/07/2017,
[Selling] [EU]WoT BLITZ SUPER UNICUM Account with loads of goodies + bonus WoT Account for sale 02/19/2016 - World of Tanks Trading - 3 Replies Want to sell my WoT BLITZ SUPER UNICUM account .
~ 24k battles
67.XX% win ratio, 61%+ Survival Rate
2k+ Damage per battle, 4.5+ kill/death ratio,
~7k Personal Rating, WN8 3.5k
7,3+ average battle tier
Comes with 138 garage slots total and 99 tanks currently in the garage.
The garage holds all tier 10 tanks currently available.
All tanks inside the Garage are fully equipped and manned with 100% crews. Any other researched tank can be repurchased with 100% crew automatically.
[Trading] WoT Account gegen WoT Account 12/31/2014 - World of Tanks Trading - 2 Replies Ich möchte gerne meinen account tauschen.
Habe E-100 & Panther mit 8,8 drauf (41euro)
Ja, mehr momentan nicht, aber dafür recht viel erforscht.
28 prem tage sind auch vorhanden.
suche guten wot account eu tausche gegen guten wot account auf na server 02/12/2013 - Browsergames Trading - 4 Replies der titel sagt alles
vorhanden löwe 100% mehrere skills 25% ammo lader more abppraller
Gw panther 100% mehrere skills 25 ammo lader tarn net
jagdpanzerVI 100% mehrere skills
panzer 3/4 100%
panzer 4 100<%
2 mio credits and 5k gold premium 14 days
[B]WoT EU account or [T] My LoL lvl 30 account for your EU WoT account. 10/28/2012 - Trading - 0 Replies Hey there,
I'm buying a WoT account with at least 3 tier X tanks ( preferably 2 heavies- 1 German/1 medium or a TD from the German or US line- doesn't matter which ) and a premium moneymaker ( Lowe/T34/Type 59 ), basically I want it to be ready for clan wars and the skills to be already grinded so I don't have to do all the work :P, it doesn't have to fill in all those characteristics, I just want it to be CW ready and have good stats.
My LoL account is level 30 and has 95 champs...