Monthly Membership:
- 10$ and crypto has no fee for Lite Coin 10$
- Contact:
- Discord > invite code:YvCHHzBN27 Discord User Name > gta_5money
- Requirements: Server namesEU, ASIA, RUS, AMERICA
Modding Tool Advantages:
- Marker Re-Load - ( display players reload time )
- AimBot - ( helps you to aiming )
- ContourLook - ( displays enemy aiming direction on minimap )
- TargetDirection - ( displays enemy tank direction on minimap )
- Hit Marker - ( displays where does fire come from )
- Mod Tundra - ( displays map without trees and make tanks more visible )
- Arti Place - ( displays where is possible enemy arty direction )
- Laser Point - ( displays a laser point where enemy has aim )
- Breakable Objects - ( displays on map if any objects are broken )
- Markers Destruction - ( if any bullet does penetrate auto displays/remove visible objects on sniper mod )
- Auto repair
- Strike Point - ( shows where u should fire with armor piercing calculators )
- Aiming Angles - ( best aiming angel visibility)
- Shadows - ( displays last well known position of enemy )
to Add as friend in Discord: gta_5money
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