Cataclysm Cinematic Intro & TV werbespot 10/18/2010 - World of Warcraft - 3 Replies YouTube - Cataclysm Cinematic Intro
YouTube - Cataclysm TV Spot
BioWare Releases E3 Cinematic Trailer for SW:TOR 07/28/2010 - Gaming News - EN - 7 Replies Alderaan is alive and well, just as glorious as it should be, and the backdrop for the latest Star Wars: The Old Republic cinematic trailer to be release by BioWare. The game is making quite the splash at this week's E3 and this trailer is a big part of it. Watch as what appears to be a Jedi Consular and a Trooper take on a powerful Sith. There may be a clear winner in this battle, but the war continues to rage!
YouTube - SWTOR - "Hope" Cinematic Trailer #2 (HD)
How to Remove Opening Cinematic 10/01/2008 - General Gaming Releases - 0 Replies If you're sick of being deafened by the cinematic that the retail copy gives you, then it's easy to fix.
Go to your installation directory (default is C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning) and create a new folder. I called mine deleted cinematics.
Move video.myp and vo_english.myp into the new folder (or you could simply delete them) and voila! No more intro.
There doesn't seem to be anything you can do about the first 3 bits that come up, but...
WotLK-Cinematic-Trailer 08/25/2008 - World of Warcraft - 4 Replies Auf der diesjährigen GC wurde ja gestern der Cinematic-Trailer von WotlK exklusiv enthüllt und gezeigt. Da ich keinen Thread diesbezüglich fand, habe ich euch den Trailer in high quality auf Deutsch auf Rapidshare hochgeladen.
WotlK-Cinematic-Trailer auf Rapidshare
Wer den Trailer lieber im Stream anschauen möchte wird hier fündig :
WotlK-Cinematic-Trailer Stream
Viel Spaß beim schauen :)