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Elder Scrolls Online - Further Information about the Game

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The Elder Scrolls Online - Further Information about the Game

The development team of The Elder Scrolls Online has leaked more information about the game during a Q&A talk with the community. In this edition, there was range of subjects, such as PvP, quest-system, the fast travel system and many more covered. Such events are hosted frequently and everybody has the opportunity to participate and submit questions, which will probably be answered directly by Zenimax Online.

After a series of questions have arisen regarding the player vs. player mode, Zenimax Online Studios did not certainly want them to be remained completely unanswered. The topic about the level in the particular PvP zone was described in detail. According to this, all players, despite their level, will be raised to the level cap (50), in order to offer also occasional players the possibility to play at the very top.
A level 15 character would have fewer abilities and resources than what a level 30 one would have.

Furthermore, the game developers revealed that the quests (tasks), which a player has to accomplish for the development of his character, are all subject to an individual concept. It is said here, that the correctness and meaning regarding the content has to be guaranteed. Some missions are given by in-game characters, some have to be found in the wild world of Tamriel in form of books, notes as well as corpses. This idea has the aim to prevent players from dully grinding and to offer fun while increasing their level. Therefore it is strongly pointed out that these missions are only one part of possible activites. Craft and countless expeditions will also play a leading role during the gameplay.

Additionally, inconsistencies regarding the present fast travel system were sorted out. It is said, that players in TES:O will be provided with wayshrines, which will allow them to travel around quickly. Nevertheless, one has first of all to discover them before they can be actually used. A person can be teleported at no charge between two shinres, however you will have to spend money for being teleported out of a town to a shrine. A limited number of use will be implemented. Whether this will be reset after a certain time, has not yet been answered.

Do you like this information about The Elder Scrolls Online? Will you play it?

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