Beta-key giveaway sites 11/25/2010 - Archlord - 12 Replies hey
for people who want a key already i found a site on wich they are already been given out .
Archlord Dragon Scion Beta + Item Key Giveaway - MMO Hut onscion-beta-keys/
(tnx to p!tch) -archlords-new-dragon-scion-race-with-our-beta-key -giv/
no need to register at last one
StarCraft II Beta Key Giveaway 06/28/2010 - Starcraft 2 - 1 Replies I'm still waiting for my key.. Just finished a survey :D
I CAN'T WAIT!!!! hurry up, he said he have 500 :D
Beta Event Key Giveaway 05/28/2009 - Aion - 2 Replies Unsere Userin "Viera" hat uns heute mit folgenden recht überrascht:
Amboss hatte diesen Beitrag bestätigt.
Preview Event Keys - Deutsche Aion Community
Atlantica Online - Beta Keys Giveaway (BETA Aug. 7) 08/14/2008 - User Submitted News - 14 Replies When the closed beta resumes on Aug. 7 at 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Saving Time (PDT), everyone who participated in the first go-around will be able to return to playing Atlantica with their same account information and restart their journey to Atlantis.
But for those of you who want to partake in the Atlantica action beginning with this second phase, in which new features have been added for testing, keys will be made available at these websites, which are offering key giveaways: