M33 Godly Jinong Gear -> Leet 108% CS12 spear 02/25/2010 - Trading - 1 Replies I would like to sell these items on the Nemesis server:
M33 Elite Jinong Spear 108% CS12
M33 Armor 96% CS9
M33 Boots 80is% CS12
M33 Gloves 80is% CS12
22% Dragon(elite M15 pet)
I am ready to take any offers. I will take offers for accounts, silver or $ in paypal. Let me know if you are interested.
WTT Godly Rohan Account 07/16/2008 - Trading - 2 Replies First of all This is Not a Scamm and i want to Deal whit a serious trader, second im sorry about my bad inglish,:D Ok lets Start
1-character lvl 58 warlock near lvl 59 probably if u get this account the character must be lvl 60 because im Still playing
2-The Armor, a Unique plugion Armor Nice Pdef
http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/7364/completea rmorlw3.jpg
3-Weapon, Eyepach and earing, the Characters is warlock based on Int damage...