selling 12sky m1 fujin or trading for 12sky jinong 09/16/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies im selling a m1 fujin he has a katana 81% nd rare necky nd ring nd he has a uni robe if your interested post a reply here im looking for 12sky silver coins or a jinong 100+ my email is [email protected]
WTS/WTT 12SKY M8 Jinong 11/15/2009 - Trading - 2 Replies Hi I am selling or trading my M8 Jinong (Devotion) server, he has full M8 set has 80% bird, and may have 78% fly (If my friend lets me keep It) I can get 300m on the account from a friend only If I get what I want for trade or sell.
I will trade for M5+ Fujin/Gaun I prefer to have Fujin then Guan, Must have a heo char on the account so I can make some money, If I put the 300m on It along with the gears and pets I said I would like to have goldy weapon or gloves prefer weapon, goldy weapon...
Wts m1 jinong 12sky 10/31/2009 - Trading - 1 Replies I want to sell m1 jinong for ingame money . Its female , m1 (30% ) . It's str build , All 60 skills for spear and light blade + HS , HB , HR , HD . I am waiting for offers.
[Twelve Sky]Selling/Trading M16 Jinong 07/03/2009 - Trading - 0 Replies I am selling or trading a Level m16 Jinong on Devotion server. I will sell this account for $100 USD or trade it for an account on serenity that is m14+
[Selling] 12Sky level 100 Jinong Account 08/30/2008 - Trading - 0 Replies PM Me for more details. He is level 100 with all of the special skills you will need. Heavenly Shield, Heavenly Blow, Reverse Flow and more. You will need new equipment however.
PM Me your offer.