Hi i wts my Shaolin cs10 hyb (10% left to cs11)
fully equiped! I wts for like 60-90 xp cards or 200kk ingame! or trade against a ec6+ nuker
add me on msn thx
How about a hack for ingame Money? 04/26/2008 - Cabal Online - 4 Replies hey guys, i'm wondering if we already have or will have a bot that can generate alz? twinR & CabalRider have done a great job out there but money. Any suggestion?
Trading bot card for ingame money 12/02/2006 - Silkroad Online - 0 Replies Yeah wahtch the Topic i have 5 bot cards with each 100 credits.
Its from the best bot for silkroad , bot258.com.
So if you want a bot card and have no credit card you can buy it from me for ingame gold ONLY on Tibet.
Many ppl do it from me and we do it so, you give me the half money what you want to pay than ill give you the pw and id from the card and you must give me the other half.
PM ME with ingame gold for the bot card, how many and your icq or email addy.