Server Fury:
Guardian lvl 80
-Almost full acheronian set, T1 belt, violet neck and spear, all horses, full job skilled T3.
-LvL 2 PvP ...Almost lvl 3 PvP.
Priest of Mitra lvl 80
- full T0 set, no job skills... but good raid-team healer, normal horse, lvl 1 pvp
Asssasine lvl 80
- full T0 set, partial jobs learne, normal horse
Necromancer lvl 75
- full blue item set, normal horse
Ranger lvl 21
... nooby char but good for gank arround
All in one account.
All lvl 80 chars are well equiped.
All chars have special stuff that can be summoned with /claim command ingame. Mammut, Rino, Ring and Neck, Special Bags..
All in one.. a great AoC account. Dumb offers will be ignored.
Drop your offers ... i will select.