I trade 5x3€ acclaim codes for one 8.99$ Veteran - GIFT 30 Days code of GamersFirst (Sword of The New World game) !
All the benefit is for you ! You save about 6$ ! But you can ask : "What's your benefit ?", i can't use my cell phone to get some cash at the Gamersfirst site and every month, if I don't use my cell phone credit, it deseapers. So for me the only way to get Gamersfirst Gold is to trade some Acclaim coins (that I can have with my cell phone credit) for Gamersfirst Gold code.
To proceed to the trade, tell me that you want to trade a 8.99$ Veteran GIFT 30Days (sword of the new world game on the gamersfirst site) for my 5x3€ Acclaim gold codes (1825 AC) in this topic and I will contact you via PM.
That's the adress of the gamersfirst site :
ATTENTION : This trade is LIMITED ! I can trade 5x3€ codes one time per month (before the 19th of each month).