WTT 151 summy for 151+ mage in siz 07/26/2012 - Dekaron Trading - 0 Replies Clean name, all info included.. need a mage 151+
Has a 310 days left of costume, and if your mage has items i can leave 154 rinser gloves +9 dn and 145 TB +9 DN all dmg.. but we can also trade naked.. pm me for more info :)
Or selling for 40 usd
WTT/S 152 slayer,151 cardi, and 151 WK on us tortus 07/14/2012 - Rappelz Trading - 1 Replies looking for either rupees on rappelz tortus or cash.
The 152 slayer has +20 d3 t1 dirk, +11 d3 t1 dirk, +12 d3 armor, has s4 belt
skelly , s3 belt hawk, and 2x s0 belt kenta has 4/5tp. have s5 r7 bp as pet and have s5 rp.
The cardi and wk are both buff slaves they have all there tp.
add me on [email protected] to discuss.
[WTS] 158 DE, 151 BM, 151 Slayer 06/26/2012 - Rappelz Trading - 2 Replies Hi, so I got a, those 3 accounts, I sell clean character without items
150$] 158 Deadeye account, 5 TP, + skillcards mentioned below
100$] 151 BeastMaster account, 5 TP
90$] 151 Slayer account, 2 TP
So 3 different accounts, I include to them login ID, Password, E-mail, copy of my ID card if needed. The login ids for each accounts are totally different, not like example12, example13, example14, so don't worry about that
180$ with skillcards] Deadeye skillcards:
[WTS] 185 DE, 151 BM, 151 Slayer 06/17/2012 - Rappelz Trading - 0 Replies Delete this thread please, i miswritten my DE level, and not allowed to change my thread name
New thread is here: http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/rappelz-trading/1 947659-wts-158-de-151-bm-151-slayer.html
151+25 and 151+25 pets 05/11/2011 - Rappelz Trading - 0 Replies I have a 151+25 angel and genie I want to sale. Plz give me your bids
on Bahamut server US