A Steam Level of 10+ or higher.
A good amount of friends in your friendlist (if we trade you cant delete them).
NO VAC, Trade or any other BANS (No Overwatch in CS:GO)
I pay first if you look trustworthy here on EPVP. If not you go first. We can use Middleman Service aswell.
I pay around 10-100€.
The payment is about the amount of games or Steamlvl or friends all the things i add together and will pay you less or more

Payment Methods: PSC, PayPal
You need to give me the Email aswell if its verified on your account.
You can check it here:

If its not i can change it to my email and we are fine.
Any offers are welcome you dont need to have every point that i want.
If you offer me a account send me the steamcommunity profile link or send me a screenshot via PM here on EPVP. You can black out private things if you want so.
I prefer offers like that:
Amount Of Games:
Amount of Friends:
Account Age:
Email verified: []yes []no
Steamcommunity Link/Screenshot:
Side note: Ich kann auch deutsch sprechen, falls manche Deutsche hier meinen mich auf Englisch anzuschreiben