Selling Black Ops 2 Key's 04/02/2013 - Trading - 5 Replies I have 2 BO 2 KEys left for sale
EU nuketown 2025 deluxe edition :)
looking for 25€ PSC / Paypal pm me with skype or post your skype below
Selling Black ops 2 key 11/18/2012 - Steam Trading - 0 Replies Hey guys and girls :) my name is Elena
I have like 3 black ops 2 keys which i really want to sell so i can make some money to pay for my new monitor :) each key is 25 euro psc , i won't go first only if you are very trustfull , have a good day people :) and let me know if you want to buy a key
Cya :)
Selling black ops 2 key! 11/17/2012 - Steam Trading - 8 Replies So like the title says , i'm selling black ops 2 key for 25 euro psc each , i currently have 5 of them and i ain't planning on giving first only for like 100 + tbm middlemans etc.......
Who wants to buy let me know , also if you want to buy 2 of them , i will discount you :) , thank you and have a nice day
Selling Black OPS 01/31/2011 - elite*gold Trading - 0 Replies Hello guys,
I got a steam account with Black Ops on it that i dont play anymore. I played maybe 3 hours with it last month but i kinda dont like the game.
So ill sell it. I didnt check how much it sells for on the net but i will put a price of 15$. if its too much i am willing to negociate.
I will sell only to trustable members and will give the account first, then you pay.
I take paypal and paypal only
Selling COD Black ops key 11/18/2010 - Steam Trading - 0 Replies Hello *epvp
I just recently bought the "PC" version of COD black ops. never got to use it tho, cause a friend instantly recommended me getting it for xbox -.-"
so i thought that instead of just going back to the store to get my money back
id try to sell it here.
Anyways im selling the key for 1000 epvp gold. jpg