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Selling 36 eu steam wallet ore full acc 04/10/2011 - Steam Trading - 0 Replies Hi, since a guy scammed me i got now only 36 euro wallet so.
I will sell this for 15 euro paysafe cards pls if u wtb sen me a pm
Wts steam acc css mw2 70 steam wallet 04/10/2011 - Steam Trading - 0 Replies Hi i want to sell my steam accunt for only paysafe cards Ps. : its verry cheap.
Call of duy : Modern warfare 2 : 10euro
Counterstrike source : 5 euro
36 euro steam wallet : 10euro
= 35 euro ( 2 cards of 10 euo paypal and 1 of 5 euro )
If u want to buy, send me a private message,i give u my msn,i search a midleman,andBe shure u have the paysafe cards
Sell MW2 css 70eu steam wallet for 80 euro 03/23/2011 - Steam Trading - 2 Replies I sell steam acc with mw2, css and 70 euro on my wallet for just 80 euro paysafe carts send me private message when interested.