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Join The Best! <DHL> - Sith - PvP and PvE - Mature - Casual

Discussion on Join The Best! <DHL> - Sith - PvP and PvE - Mature - Casual within the Star Wars: The Old Republic forum part of the MMORPGs category.

Old   #1
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Join The Best! <DHL> - Sith - PvP and PvE - Mature - Casual

The Dark Horselords

We are the official space cowboys!

Alignment: Sith Empire
Game Focus: PvP and PvE
Type: Casual and Mature

About DHL


Dark Horselords is a "casual" guild comprised of mature, skilled and like-minded players devoted to having fun. Dark Horselords members seek an experience rich in friendship, adventure and loyalty.
We've been around for over 10 years and during this time we've brought together two very different aspects: the laid back side and the PvP side. The result is a guild culture that is unique, drama-free and enjoyable. Our PvP side satisfies our desire to progress through end-game content while still enjoying the company of friends and family that prefer not to PvP. Dark Horselords goal is to be big enough to provide plenty of guild-only grouping opportunities and successful PvP nights, yet small enough so that everyone can know one another.


We're very selective of our members as Dark Horselords is not for everyone, and we believe in quality over quantity. It's important that each member is personable and at the same time a skilled player with a willingness to become part of our tight-knit family.
What we look for in an applicant:

• Maturity, maturity, maturity. We cannot stress this enough. This is NOT a jr. high/high school guild.
• Desire to become a part of a tight-knit family.
• A sense of humor and a sense of loyalty.
• MMORPG experience is desired.
• The ability to think quickly and react accordingly depending on the situation.
• Your gameplay time is balanced with real life responsibilities, you take the time to do well in school/at work.
• You can communicate clearly and quickly.
• Finally, we're looking for someone that chooses friendships over loot. We are not in it for the loot, but rather good times with our fellow guildies and the sense of accomplishment we get when we come together as a unit.


Dark Horselords leadership is comprised of one Guild Leader and Guild Officers. The guild leadership makes the final decisions, but takes into consideration input from all members. We have had great success with this format as each member of Dark Horselords leadership genuinely cares about the welfare of the guild.

The Dark Horselords
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Old 07/24/2011, 23:53   #2
elite*gold: 0
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We are looking to build a tight PvP Squad. Come Join us!
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Old 07/29/2011, 21:20   #3
elite*gold: 0
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Join The Best!
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Old 08/18/2011, 21:13   #4
elite*gold: 0
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DHL? like this?

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