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vbServerStats Example

Discussion on vbServerStats Example within the SRO Coding Corner forum part of the Silkroad Online category.

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vbServerStats Example

This is a simple port of my C# ServerStats example. To use this, you need my API. Even though my SecurityAPI is in C#, it is a .Net class library, which means you can use it with any .Net language really.

I have no other plans of making VB.Net examples, so study this one carefully to get a feel for how to port C# code to VB.Net code. There might be small logic errors due to the porting process, but simple testing indicates it seems to work. I only spent enough time on this to port the code and get it working, I'm not comfortable with the VB.Net language, so my time here is really short. please don't ask me how you do things in VB.Net, I just Google'd everything.

Create a VB.Net Console project.

To add the "SilkroadSecurityApi.dll" as a reference:
1. Double click "My Project" (under the Solution Explorer on the right side of the screen)
2. Select "References" tab
3. Click Add
4. Choose "Browse"
5. Select the "SilkroadSecurityApi.dll" file and click OK

Now you can create a new code file and paste this in and edit it as needed.

Imports SilkroadSecurityApi
Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading

Module Module1

    Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
        Dim recv_buffer As New TransferBuffer(4096, 0, 0)

        Dim ping_timer As New Stopwatch()
        Dim do_ping As Boolean = False

        Dim stats_timer As New Stopwatch()
        Dim last_stats_timer As New Stopwatch()
        Dim do_stats As Boolean = False

        Dim version As UInt32 = UInt32.Parse(args(1))
        Dim locale As UInt32 = UInt32.Parse(args(0))

        Dim hosts As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Int32))
        Dim host_count As Int32 = Int32.Parse(args(2))
        For x As Int32 = 0 To host_count - 1
            hosts.Add(New KeyValuePair(Of String, Int32)(args(3 + x * 2), Int32.Parse(args(3 + x * 2 + 1))))

        Dim connection_closed_times As New List(Of DateTime)

        Dim connect_errors As Int32 = 0
        Dim receive_errors As Int32 = 0
        Dim data_errors As Int32 = 0
        Dim parse_errors As Int32 = 0
        Dim send_errors As Int32 = 0
        Dim misc_errors As Int32 = 0

        Dim reconnect_time As Int32 = 5000
        Dim stats_interval As Int32 = 1000
        Dim stats_timeout As Int32 = 45000

        Dim doExit As Boolean = False
        While doExit <> True
            Dim security As New SilkroadSecurityApi.Security ' This should actually be here rather than above in the C# example

            Using s As New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
                Try ' Connect to the remote server
                    Dim host As KeyValuePair(Of String, Int32) = hosts(connect_errors Mod hosts.Count)

                    Console.WriteLine("Status: Now connecting to {0}:{1}", host.Key, host.Value)

                    s.Connect(host.Key, host.Value)
                    s.Blocking = False
                    s.NoDelay = True
                Catch ex As Exception
                    connect_errors = connect_errors + 1

                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not connect to the server." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)

                    If Console.KeyAvailable = True Then ' If the user wants to exit, let them.
                        Dim key As ConsoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey(True)
                        If key.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape Then
                            doExit = True
                            Exit While
                        End If

                        Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, connect_errors, reconnect_time)


                        Continue While
                    End If

                End Try

                last_stats_timer.Start() ' Need to keep track of stats time state

                ' Main logic loop
                While True
                        If Console.KeyAvailable = True Then ' If the user wants to exit, let them.
                            Dim key As ConsoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey(True)
                            If key.Key = ConsoleKey.Escape Then
                                doExit = True
                                Exit While
                            End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        misc_errors = misc_errors + 1

                        Console.WriteLine("Error: A misc error was encountered." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
                        Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, misc_errors, reconnect_time)


                        Exit While
                    End Try

                    ' Receive network data
                        ' Receive logic, try to receive as much as possible, then pass to the security object
                        Dim err As SocketError

                        recv_buffer.Size = s.Receive(recv_buffer.Buffer, 0, recv_buffer.Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, err)
                        If err <> SocketError.Success Then
                            If err <> SocketError.WouldBlock Then
                                Throw New Exception(String.Format("Receive returned error code {0}.", err))
                            End If
                            If recv_buffer.Size > 0 Then
                                Catch ex As Exception
                                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not process the data from the server." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
                                    Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, data_errors, reconnect_time)


                                    Exit While
                                End Try

                                Console.WriteLine("Error: The connection has been closed.")
                                Console.WriteLine("This is disconnect # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, connection_closed_times.Count, reconnect_time)


                                Exit While
                            End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        receive_errors = receive_errors + 1

                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not receive data from the server." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
                        Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, receive_errors, reconnect_time)


                        Exit While
                    End Try

                    ' Process network data
                        ' Obtain all queued packets and add them to our own queue to process later.
                        Dim packets As List(Of Packet) = security.TransferIncoming()
                        If packets Is Nothing Then
                            For Each packet As Packet In packets

                                ' Debugging
                                Dim bytes As Byte() = packet.GetBytes()
                                Console.WriteLine("[S->C][0x{0:X4}][{1} bytes][Enc: {2}][Msv: {3}]", packet.Opcode, bytes.Length, packet.Encrypted, packet.Massive)

                                If packet.Opcode = &H5000 Then ' Handshake

                                    ' Ignore

                                ElseIf packet.Opcode = &H2001 Then ' Identify

                                    Dim response As New Packet(&H6100, True, False) ' Version

                                    do_ping = True

                                ElseIf packet.Opcode = &H2005 Then ' server specific information

                                    ' Ignore

                                ElseIf packet.Opcode = &H6005 Then ' server specific information

                                    ' Ignore

                                ElseIf packet.Opcode = &HA100 Then ' Version response

                                    Dim result As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                    If result = 1 Then
                                        If locale = 18 Then ' ISRO
                                            Dim response As New Packet(&H6107, True, False) ' Request ping servers
                                            do_stats = True

                                            Dim response As New Packet(&H6101, True) ' Request server list
                                        End If
                                        result = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                        If result = 2 Then ' Updates available
                                            Dim ip As String = packet.ReadAscii()
                                            Dim port As UShort = packet.ReadUInt16()
                                            Dim new_version As UInt32 = packet.ReadUInt32()

                                            Dim new_file As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                            While new_file = 1
                                                Dim file_id As UInt32 = packet.ReadUInt32()
                                                Dim file_name As String = packet.ReadAscii()
                                                Dim file_path As String = packet.ReadAscii()
                                                Dim file_size As UInt32 = packet.ReadUInt32()
                                                Dim file_pk2 As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                                new_file = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                            End While

                                            version = new_version
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("A new version is available."))
                                        ElseIf result = 4 Then ' Server down
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("The GatewayServer is closed."))
                                        ElseIf result = 5 Then ' Version too old
                                            version = version + 1 ' Try to correct it
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("The version is too old."))
                                        ElseIf result = 1 Then ' Version too new
                                            version = version - 1 ' Try to correct it
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("The version is too new."))
                                            ' Not much we can do here, user has to fix version their self.
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Unhandled response {0}.", result))
                                        End If
                                    End If

                                ElseIf packet.Opcode = &HA107 Then ' Ping server response

                                    Dim count As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                    For x As Int32 = 0 To count - 1
                                        Dim id As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                        Dim host As String = packet.ReadAscii()
                                        Dim port As UShort = packet.ReadUInt16()

                                    do_stats = True

                                    Dim response As New Packet(&H6101, True) ' Request server list

                                ElseIf packet.Opcode = &HA101 Then ' Server list

                                    Dim new_entry As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()

                                    While new_entry = 1
                                        Dim id As Byte = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                        Dim name As String = packet.ReadAscii()
                                        new_entry = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                    End While

                                    new_entry = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                    While new_entry = 1
                                        Dim id As UShort = 0
                                        Dim ratio As Single = 0
                                        Dim name As String = ""
                                        Dim country As Char = "?"
                                        Dim state As Byte = 0
                                        Dim cur As UShort = 0
                                        Dim max As UShort = 0
                                        Dim extra1 As Byte = 0
                                        Dim extra2 As Byte = 0

                                        id = packet.ReadUInt16()

                                        If locale = 18 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii()
                                        ElseIf locale = 12 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii(950)
                                        ElseIf locale = 40 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii(1251)
                                        ElseIf locale = 2 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii(949)
                                        ElseIf locale = 4 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii(936)
                                        ElseIf locale = 23 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii(936)
                                        ElseIf locale = 38 Then
                                            name = packet.ReadAscii()
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("This program does not support the locale {0} yet.", locale))
                                            ' name = packet.ReadAscii() ' Or comment out the line above and uncomment this one...
                                        End If

                                        If locale = 18 Then
                                            country = name(0)
                                            name = name.Remove(0, 1)
                                            ratio = packet.ReadSingle()
                                            cur = packet.ReadUInt16()
                                            max = packet.ReadUInt16()
                                        End If

                                        state = packet.ReadUInt8()

                                        ' Binds the server to the name server at the start of the packet.
                                        If locale = 4 Or locale = 23 Then
                                            extra1 = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                            If extra1 = 1 Then
                                                extra2 = packet.ReadUInt8()
                                            End If
                                        End If

                                        new_entry = packet.ReadUInt8()

                                        If locale = 18 Then
                                            Dim status As String
                                            If state = 1 Then
                                                status = "Open"
                                                status = "Check"
                                            End If

                                            Dim country2 As String
                                            If country = "0" Then
                                                country2 = "Korea"
                                            ElseIf country = "1" Then
                                                country2 = "USA"
                                                country2 = "<Unknown>"
                                            End If

                                            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [{4}] {1} ({2}% full) [{3}]", id, name, ratio * 100.0F, status, country2)
                                            Dim status As String
                                            If state = 1 Then
                                                status = "Open"
                                                status = "Check"
                                            End If

                                            ' Default windows console with code page 1252 cannot display Unicode characters,
                                            ' so you will see ?'s. The string is correct though if you debug and check the name
                                            Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1} {2} / {3} [{4}]", id, name, cur, max, status)
                                        End If
                                    End While

                                End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not parse the data from the server." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
                        Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, parse_errors, reconnect_time)


                        Exit While
                    End Try

                    ' Send network data
                        ' Check to see if we have any buffers to send
                        Dim buffers As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of TransferBuffer, Packet)) = security.TransferOutgoing()
                        If buffers Is Nothing Then
                            For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of TransferBuffer, Packet) In buffers
                                Dim buffer As TransferBuffer = kvp.Key
                                Dim packet As Packet = kvp.Value
                                Dim err As SocketError = SocketError.Success

                                ' Debugging
                                Dim bytes As Byte() = packet.GetBytes()
                                Console.WriteLine("[C->S][0x{0:X4}][{1} bytes][Enc: {2}][Msv: {3}]", packet.Opcode, bytes.Length, packet.Encrypted, packet.Massive)

                                ' Since TCP is a stream protocol, we have to support partial sends. To do this, we
                                ' will just loop until we send all the data or an exception is generated.
                                While buffer.Offset <> buffer.Size
                                    Dim sent As Int32 = s.Send(buffer.Buffer, buffer.Offset, buffer.Size - buffer.Offset, SocketFlags.None, err)
                                    If err <> SocketError.Success Then
                                        If err <> SocketError.WouldBlock Then
                                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("Send returned error code {0}.", err))
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                    buffer.Offset += sent
                                End While

                                ' If we should be pinging, we can reset the ping timer since data was sent.
                                If do_ping = True Then
                                End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        send_errors = send_errors + 1

                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not send data from the server." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
                        Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, send_errors, reconnect_time)


                        Exit While
                    End Try

                    ' Main state logic checks
                        ' Send the ping packet every 5s there is no other send.
                        If do_ping = True Then
                            If ping_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 5000 Then
                                ' We also set the time so we don't accidentally "multi-ping". That shouldn't
                                ' happen in this program with a single thread, but it's an issue to look out for.

                                Dim response As New Packet(&H2002) ' Ping packet
                            End If
                        End If

                        ' Request stats each interval
                        If do_stats = True Then
                            If stats_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds >= stats_interval Then

                                Dim response As New Packet(&H6101, True) ' Request server list
                            End If
                        End If

                        If last_stats_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > stats_timeout Then
                            Throw New Exception(String.Format("No server list has been received in {0} ms.", last_stats_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds))
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                        misc_errors = misc_errors + 1

                        Console.WriteLine("Error: A misc error was encountered." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message)
                        Console.WriteLine("This is error # {0}. Waiting {1} ms then trying again..." + Environment.NewLine, misc_errors, reconnect_time)


                        Exit While
                    End Try

                End While

            End Using

        End While

        Console.WriteLine("Status: The program is now exiting...")
    End Sub

End Module
Sample usage would be: "vbServerStats.exe 18 314 4 15779 15779 15779 15779" where the 1st param is the locale, the 2nd param is the version, the 3rd param is how many hosts there are, and then each pair of parameters is address then port.

That's about it really, if you are familiar with VB.Net, then using the API shouldn't be too hard based on this example. The .Net class library system takes cares of most things for you. There might be easier/simpler/better ways to implement the code than I have shown, so keep that in mind. I'm not a VB.Net programmer, this is just an example for API usage!
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Old 08/23/2011, 23:03   #2
elite*gold: 0
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when i add ref to my 2008 it says <the system cannot find the reference specified>
and version is so what should i do ?

Solved thx
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Old 08/24/2011, 00:16   #3
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it works thx
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Old 09/03/2011, 23:49   #4
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ahmed call me email
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Old 09/08/2011, 20:30   #5
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where do i take SilkroadSecurityApi.dll"?
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Old 09/09/2011, 08:38   #6

elite*gold: 260
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Originally Posted by Trade4Fun View Post
where do i take SilkroadSecurityApi.dll"?
The last version posted is . It's just a few posts down in the original thread.
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Old 09/10/2011, 08:24   #7
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and now why do i get this error ? <The system cannot find the reference specified> when i m adding SilkroadSecurityApi.dll
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