⚠️We ONLY sell through our SELLIX STORE⚠️
🪐TelegramLink 🪐

[ ✅ ] Tokens are delivered instantly to you
[ ✅ ] Format: email : password : token
[ ✅ ] Tokens are double-checked before uploaded on autobuy
[ ✅ ] All of the accounts have been made in from a qualified proxy
[ 💬 ] Tokens are perfect for Mass DM (+200DMs/days for Fully Verified and +100DMs/days for Email Verified)
[ 💬 ] Tokens are perfect for Server boosting
[ 💬 ] Less captcha or not at all (Especially the first time you try to join a server)
[ 📆 ] Tokens are aged from 1 day to 1 month (depending on last restock)
[ 💎 ] Tokens are registered with numbers (HQ)
[ 👤 ] Tokens have realistic usernames, scraped from biggest legit Discord servers
[ ⭐ ] Tokens have random profile pictures that can be easily changed
👉 FULLY Verified Tokens 👈