[Petra] WTS 76 light/cold/fire char 70ff 22k sp left [Petra]
Discussion on [Petra] WTS 76 light/cold/fire char 70ff 22k sp left [Petra] within the Silkroad Online Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.
[Petra] WTS 83 - 500k sp left xbow/dagger/cleric [Petra] 11/27/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 2 Replies Hey guys,
i´m selling a lvl 83 xbow/dagger/cleric char on iSRO Server Petra. Set got some blues : STR INT HP and MP...
Screen: http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4154/sro201011270 9084419.jpg
I only sell for premium silk, i will give u the name of the char where u can send those silks.
WTT 105 Chin Bow on Hera...for Char on Petra 11/24/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 2 Replies As it says... I want to trade a Chin Bow on Hera for a 100+ char on Petra...
Has Avatar, Devil Spirit(Dead), Pickup Pet Dead.
Inventory Expansion is done.
Has a 102 Wolf No Name.
101 + 9 Bow, 101 + 4 Nova Chest (Garment), 101 + 4 Nova Legs (Garment).
Also comes with 300+ Mil Gold
we will use a MM in the trade or you will go first , dont add me if you expect me to go first cause i wont.
WTS EURO CHAR ON PETRA *413k SP* 09/08/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 9 Replies As the title Says, I'm selling lvl 20x char , masterys at 10, Prem and Sp ticket
Name : Engzo
Guild : Deathkrew
Gold : few K's ( just tell me if you need some gold to start )
Silks : Prem and Sp ticket 15 Days left , 10+ Reverse scrolls in inventory , And 15 Silk Left
Build : Full Str
Masterys so far : Rogue lv5 , Cleric lvl 10
SP : 413k
Email : NOT Veryfied
So it's a farm char, if you offer nicely i can get you farm up to 2m sp+ 24/7
Lets talk about fire/cold and light/cold 04/28/2010 - Silkroad Online - 12 Replies Hi.
Im thinking of making 90-100FF light/cold/bicheon s/s. But fire is good too. Say which you would pick and why ^^ cap 90 rsro.
Im thinking of light cuz dmg =~= fire +speed and mag atk, but fire has got strong nukes, better range and mag def.