WTT SWSRO 1 account 100 nuker for fire zszc account 08/10/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies WTT SWSRO 1 account 100 nuker for fire zszc account
WTT swsro1 account for an zszc serv fire account
Swsro1 account ; 100 lvl +50% s/s nuker set 99 +3 FB
weapon : 99 sword +44 mag +3 failed before :/(failed on +7 )
shield : 99 +5 18 BR clean failed before...
skills 96 fire almost FF
96 lighting almost FF
WTT LVL 107 ON SWSRO 2 FOR 90+ ZSZC S/S OR SPEAR NUKER!! 07/18/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 2 Replies Hello guys
Im here to trade my lvl 110 swsro 2 s/s nuker for a lvl 85+ s/s nuker on ZSZC (the crowded server, not sure whether thats new or old, but the crowded one lol.)
My s/s nuker on swsro 2 has 1.1bil gold, +5 sword and a +5 shield. (Also have a lvl 105 sos shoulder.) This char is currently farming on a 9 gap!. atm 260k sp..
Skills are:
Lightning - 101
Cold - 101
Bicheon - 101
(if you want screeny's then just ask)
Alot of stones and stuff like that in storage also...
WTT SWSRO 2 NUKER LVL 95 FF FOR DRESS + 200 SILK ON ZSZC 06/17/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 6 Replies char name : LordyK
build : nuker s/s ; fire 95 ; cold 68 ; light 52
full farm all skills ^_^
grab pet ; 40 kk left ;
i want 200 silk + dress on zszc
pics :
ImageShack Album - 27 images
WTS Swsro lvl 55 nuker + lvl 77 Bower + lvl 23 Zszc nuker 05/22/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies Wts lvl 55 Nuker on Swsro1 For 20$/£/€ Paypal
lvl 77 bower on Swsro1 for 40$/£/€ Paypal
lvl 23 Zszc legit nuker for 10$/£/€ Paypal
Accepting offers and trades.
Will Use middle man if requested
Or either you go first. :)
Add msn -------> [email protected]