WTT zszc(Water) Lv 99 bower for zszc gold 01/22/2011 - Silkroad Online Trading - 6 Replies well bower is ff in lvl 90 pachon fire cold .. has gap 9 and like 22k sp left
leave your offerts here
WTS 3 Clean ZSZC(Water) & 2 ZSZC(Fire) Accounts, 01/10/2011 - Silkroad Online Trading - 4 Replies WTS 3 Clean ZSZC(Water) & 2 ZSZC(Fire) Accounts,
I accept every offer but i can only use paypal if you like to offer money.
The accounts were created when the server just started. :bandit:
You can post here, add my MSN: [email protected]
or you can add me to skype: promo2pwn :cool:
WTS Zszc(Fire) Acc for gold in Zszc(Water) 07/17/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 4 Replies Hello guys.
My Zszc(fire) account clean and without any character.
I wish to exchange my Zszc(fire) account for your Zszc(water) gold.
Please enter your gold offer here...
Just waiting for offers...
If i agree your offer, i'll send you a message.
Sorry for my poor english :o