[Gaia guide] Make lots of gold refreshing 05/26/2012 - General Gaming Releases - 2 Replies Requirements:
- AC tool(actool.org)
- Auto refresher plugin for IE
- Alot of gaiaonline accounts xD
Note: the third step is optional you can also manually start all these explorers/login/activate refresher
Ok so gaiaonline has a system that gives you between 2-6 gold a minute if your active, why not refresh all day?!
So 2-6 gold a minute about 4 gold everage gives you ~250 gold/hour.
But how to do this with more accounts?! gaiaonline forces you to activate cookies so you can't...
WTT 93 Wizzard / Bard Sparta for any 90+ acc. on GAIA ONLY 12/20/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 3 Replies Hy,
as you can see I want to trade my 93 Wizzard / (BATTLE) Bard on Sparta for any 90+ char on SERVER GAIA ONLY.
add me on msn for more info: [email protected]
or just send me a PM here on E*pvpers
[WTT] Isro Char 101 In Gaia Nuker Spear For 100+ Char in Swsro 1 10/06/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 3 Replies i have account in isro server gaia lvl100 / 99.99 i guess ff lv101 nuker full int spear NAKED! for 100+ in Swsro have items or much gold pm me
friend wants to trade lvl 6x char on gaia for char on archon 05/29/2010 - Archlord Trading - 8 Replies my friend got 6x lvl sorc on gaiahon (if u wanna know exact lvl pm me) and he wants a same lvl char on archon prefered sorc but other deals would be also good :P he got amazin unique armoour almost ever part got ashtals rather than stones lvl 3 :D better than old realms only chaos frontial realm can overcome this ^^ he got 100m many wc and very nice build. pm me offers and i give u his msn so u can talk. he just doesnt make thread coz doesnt have acc and dont have time to make one thats why i...
Wtt lvl 82 glavier on sparta for 80+ char on gaia 04/23/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies Wtt lvl 82 glavier Fire and light i have 2 avatars on him witout items for lvl 80+ on gaia of course without items i wait if someone have ofers fontact me on the skype id kis.zoltan63