91 Saturn STR Glavie Male IGN : I_Play_AFK
This account is fully farmed to 91!! has a page of elixers
it is FF to 91 and comes with a lvl 80 bear, 3 Piece avatar set (HALLOWEEN), and a dead cat
comes with a set and weapon, nothing special, enough to start you off..
91 fire 91 Heuksal 60 ice 40 lightning
PAYMENT : 1.1 billion gold on phoenix, ($60) or $60 cash from a 3+ rated b.m. user..
a lvl 58 bard/cleric account w/ 35k sp for free to powerlevel and use ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!
I will ONLY accept $60 Paypal from someone with a "3+" rating on the black market, if you do not have this, I will accept $60 of gold on Phoenix server only!! (in other words, go buy it) I will NOT use a middle man, they are mods and if they stole accounts you would never know it. They would just delete the posts, also they might be your brother, cuzin, or best friend. Paypal will protect you if I do not give you the account, so the risk on your end is 0%.
Msg me or reply if you want to buy a 10D account with Silk items and 65 mil for only $60!!