Hybrid int Madalin01 for athens Account. is lvl 65 all +3 huskal light and cold Full Farmed to LVL 60. the Spear is lvl 64 +3 Full blue critical 14* storage have alot of elxirs and have devil spirit grade B have Advvance defence garneme. alot and alot of elemtns. in pvp Really 1 of strongest builds in the game. i want a LVL +70 if is naked. on Athens of course. and 65+ if have set. all chars i tradde. Full sTR Full int Chineses. and only hybrids 2/1 2int 1str but only chineses EUROS WARRIOR/WARLOCK WARRIOR CLERIC. PLZ NO ROUGES, CAN BE CLERIC WARLOCK, BUT NOT WIZARDS.THX Remember. Athens CHECK MY CHAR IN HERE: THX. IMAGES: (CAN BE IN ANY sERVER)