[S] Praios | Falki+9 Ago + 10 HM oder Ago + 12 Int 03/09/2014 - Metin2 Trading - 0 Replies Hey,
wie das Topic schon sagt, suche ich ein Falkenschild+9 auf Praios mit folgenden Bonis:
- Ago
- 10 Hm
- Ago
- 12 Intelligenz
Long, long, long ago... 08/24/2012 - Rappelz Private Server - 17 Replies ... A young Roflcopter just wanted to play Rappelz in peace, with no other people to distract him. He wanted nothing more than a private server where he could play by himself, just himself, no interference. This was a time when there weren't any private servers, and he was frustrated by this. He told his friends that if he could have a private server, all he'd do was level from scratch, no buffs, no cheating, no free pets, no cash shop items (maybe a piece of deco or two)...
and today is the...
[Small Request] was here long time ago.. 02/14/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 1 Replies ok so basically i'm looking for that guide that was here a while ago and i cant find it...basically the guide is helping to make...lets say a person is in DisCity map and he gets disconnected his char. teleports back to TC isntead of staying in DisCity..any ideas if the guide is still on Epvp? cuz i couldnt find it...thx to the helpers :D