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Hotkey Airhug Script Assistance Plz?

Discussion on Hotkey Airhug Script Assistance Plz? within the S4 League forum part of the Shooter category.

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Hotkey Airhug Script Assistance Plz?

I have been trying to make an autohotkey airhug script. When I run it and press mbutton it pushes the buttons like it should, but when I go to s4 and run it nothing happens. I'm saying for example when I go to microsoft word and press mbutton it types 1 and 2, and even clicks...:/ I need assistance please.
(If this is not the right place please direct me and I will remember)

   if not GetKeyState("MButton", "P")

	Send, {LButton}
Sleep 100
	Send, {Shift}
Sleep 100
	Send, {Numpad2}
Sleep 100
	Send, {Shift}
Sleep 100
	Send, {LButton}
Sleep 100
	Send, {Shift}
Sleep 100
	Send, {Numpad1}
Sleep 100
	Send, {Shift}
Sleep 100

Ins3ct101 is offline  
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