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A F2P Runescape way of making quick money

Discussion on A F2P Runescape way of making quick money within the Runescape forum part of the MMORPGs category.

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A F2P Runescape way of making quick money

In this guide I will give you hints and tips on money making, merchanting, and becoming a millionaire! I’ve personally tried all of these and know what they all work! In this guide I’ll explain how to make over 900k at level 3! Follow the instructions in my guide and you’ll be a millionaire in no time.

Merchanting overview: Merchanting can be your best friend if you know how to do it. The rule to making a profit while merchanting is very simple: Buy Low, Sell High. There are many other rules you need to follow in order to successfully merchant.
Be firm with your prices! Don’t drop your prices because you’re not selling, eventually you will.
Be friendly! No one wants to buy from someone that just called them a noob.
When buying, try to get the seller to lower the price. haggle with him. If he’s firm, then just pay the full price.
Spell with proper grammar. No one wants to buy from someone saying “S311ing 41r run35 lawlz” just type like a normal Person.
It helps to listen to music or browse forums or something while you’re merchanting. Merchanting can be pretty boring, so have something to do while you’re doing it so you don’t go crazy from boredom.
It takes money to make money. Don’t be afraid to spend all your money on the items listed in this guide. It’ll definitely be worth it in the long run.
Always make your typing bright and nice looking. When I’m buying or selling, I always write: Cyan:wave2:Selling xxxxxx, xxxx ea!!===lacrosse fan (my in game name) so it’s not just that same old boring yellow type, people can see who I am, what I’m selling, and for how much.
ALWAYS HAVE A calculator OPEN. Whether it’s your computer calculator or your real life calculator it doesn’t matter, but always have one ready.

Without further ado, here’s my Runescape f2p money making guide!

Difficulty: Low
Time: Long
World(s): 16
Requirements: Rune mysteries Quest, Air talisman/tiara
On world 16 near Falador bank, you’ll see a bunch of people running around together. Why? because they’re running to the air temple and back. Air running is a pretty popular thing, because it’s a way to get 2k for free.

All you need is an Air talisman (or tiara), 25 UNNOTED essences, and a lot of patience. What you do is you get 25 unnoted essences, and rune to the mysterious ruins (follow someone to get there if you don’t know how) and use your talisman with it. it’ll teleport you. After you get teleported, look around for someone that is saying “Open” or “Open 2k” and trade them. put up your 25 unnoted essences and he’ll put up 2k cash and 25 noted essences.

Accept and you’ll have 2k and 25 unnoted essences. Run back to the bank and deposit your 25 essences, and withdraw them back out unnoted, and run back to the mysterious ruins. Find someone else (or the same person) saying open, trade them your unnoted essences and you’ll get 2k and 25 noted essences. Run back, unnote them and repeat until you have 100k. Air running takes a long time but is a foolproof method of getting money.

Difficulty: Low
Time: Medium
World(s): Any
Rating: 6/10
Requirements: None
What you do to is you go to the chicken coop near lumbridge, or in the champions guild (32 Quest Points required) and start killing chickens, they probably won’t even cause any damage on you, regardless of your level, and pick up ALL the feathers they drop. They drop 5-15 feathers almost every time, but occasionally they won’t drop any.

After you get about 5k feathers (should take about 30 minutes to an hour) go to the Runescape forums, and look around for a thread saying “buying feathers 7-10 ea”. Since you’re f2p you won’t be able to post, but you can still read the threads and sell to the people buying feathers, add them to your friends list and tell them you’re selling your feathers. If you got 5k feathers like I said, the very least you should sell them for is 35k, or you could go to Varrock world 1 and say you’re selling feathers 7-10 ea, that works too.
After you’ve sold your feathers you will hire other people to get the feathers for you. Just go to the lumbridge Chicken Coop and tell the people there you’ll pay 3 gp per feather, hire about 5-10 people there and tell them to sell you the feathers every 1k. so 5 people selling you 1k feathers for 4 ea is 20k. now you sell those 5k feathers for another 35k, bringing your total to 45k. Repeat until 100k.






Requirements: Some money to buy eye of newts
Eye of newts can be a huge money maker but it takes a lot of time. First go to the Draynor bank.Have some money and go to the Port Sarim magic shop. Buy 27 eye of newts for 3 gp each then store them in the bank. Once you have 2k eye of newts or more try to sell them in the Runescape forums. This will take some time but you can sell them for gp each, thus making a 197 gp profit on each eye of newt!While the eyes of newt might seem like it could make you rich, it is one the most incredibly long and boring ways to merchant.

Thanks for looking at My F2p Money making Guide

If I am wrong feel free to correct me

Original owner PAT FINN from a different forum I only posted this because it wasn't on this form.

I take NO CREDIT So please don't go saying I stole it without credit to author.
Relix1650 is offline  
Old 08/12/2010, 20:28   #2
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Please give credit.
I have seen and used this guide many times before!
Please give credit to original author!
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Old 08/12/2010, 20:57   #3
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by gerble93 View Post
Please give credit.
I have seen and used this guide many times before!
Please give credit to original author!

Sorry I meant to do that it's one of those time when you don't wright what you think you do.
Relix1650 is offline  

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