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[Guide] How to Make Money, The EASY and Fast Way!

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[Guide] How to Make Money, The EASY and Fast Way!

Guide: How to Make Money:

This is probable the simplest way I know.

Why have high woodcutting?
Now you may be wondering why would I write a woodcutting guide and what can I use woodcutting for, correct?
Now woodcutting can be used along with fletching to make bows and arrows out of different logs and metals but you can also cert your logs and sell them and make huge profits out of them or you may just want good old fashioned fast skill total.


What do you need?
1. An axe or hatchet (obviously (you can’t use battleaxes) - A mith hatchet would be good enough Rune Preferred
2. A sleeping Bag (so you don’t need to go to sleep)
3. A knife (if you want to fletch as you go)
4. 1-4 free bank spaces

Let’s get started
(Note: I am assuming you are starting at level 1 and I know that most of you aren’t so just go to the part of the guide which involves you. Also throughout this guide I tell you to cert and sell your logs, I won’t even attempt to tell you the prices per cert, you can find this information in the Weekly Price Guide (I presume).


Level 1-30:
To start with I recommend you chop ordinary trees all the way through to level 30 woodcut, now I realize that at level 15 you can start to cut Oak but I don’t recommend it yet. So go to Draynor Village and just east of the bank you hit the biggest (in my opinion) normal tree forest in all of RuneScape, now you can cut wherever you like throughout this guide but these are the places I recommend.
You can also fletch arrow shafts until level 30 woodcut as well if you like but that’s totally up to you (If you want to you can also store your logs in the bank to fletch at a later time)
Alright so you have started cutting down trees and are on your way to level 30, now I estimate it should take ¾ of an hour to an hour to get there.


Level 31-40:
All right now you have a much better level and you can now possibly cut regular, oak and willow trees but just because I’ve said you can cut willow now doesn’t mean that you should, it’s from my experience that I have seen that you are better to stay 1 tree behind what you can possibly cut to help you level fast.
Now I recommend you move to Seer’s Village where there are 3 (I think) Oak trees, 3 or 4 willow trees, 1 magic tree and a bank (if you know another place with as much variety in trees as this then tell me please). This is the kind of place you can sit and do all of your woodcutting until you stop woodcutting.
You can also go by Draynor village by the river:
All right back to the guide this is the point in woodcut where you can start certing your logs and thus making money, but if your fletching permits it you can now make oak short/long bows, but I recommend you bank your logs or just let them drop. So sit here and chop, chop, chop till you get to level 40 woodcut which shouldn’t take to long


Level 41-50:
Now that you are level 40/41 I recommend that you continue on to Willow trees now I recommend that if you are at the Seer’s Village then chop the tree closest to the water and if while the tree is there you chop near the bottom (where the tree stump appears when you chop the tree down) then as long as you don’t click to fast then you won’t get logged out after the 5 minutes because unlike mining and fishing with woodcut while you are chopping as long as you don’t click to fast then you are considered active and don’t get logged out (as far as I know this is NOT bug abuse). So when you get a full inventory go bank your logs and continue until you get to level 50 (Note: if you are getting bored of the repetitive clicking then go to Ardougne and find the log traders and cert your logs for a while)


Level 51-60:
Now you have probably already guessed what comes next and that is of course move up a few steps and start chopping the Maple tree, now pretty much everything from level 41-50 applies here as well, the stump trick, banking and sleeping so just follow the above steps and you should so fine.


Level 61-99:

All right then I recommend that you stay with the Maple tree until 71 woodcut and if you can fletch them then you obviously haven’t been listening to my guide at all because I’ve said all the way through to bank your logs, but that doesn’t matter because I recommend that you make the Maple long bow if you can and then sell them and make a bit of money.


At Level 71 or 72-85
You should start with the yew tree, and you should continue your click on stump area technique, sleep then bank and then cert the logs and sell them. Here you can find multiple in Varrock, by the GE, and Edgevill


Level 86-99:
you may as well start on Magic trees (which are directly south of the main Seer’s Village and also not far from the bank and they have a slight shimmer which distinguishes them from ordinary trees, other than that the look the same, and when you identify them it says 'A magical tree'), now I know that most of you have probably been hoping for this since the start of all this and like everything else chop, sleep, bank, chop, sleep, bank until you have reached your goal and this is my horribly repetitive guide to woodcutting, the guide is very repetitive because the skill is repetitive so I’ve done the best I can and I hope it helped you.
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Old 05/26/2009, 20:48   #2
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wow! you mean I can chop logs and sell them for money??? ur a genious. You should sell this, you would make millions in real life for this!
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Old 05/26/2009, 21:35   #3
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but u need to be member to do that -.-
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Old 05/27/2009, 00:15   #4
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there is a non memeber way....
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Old 05/28/2009, 21:46   #5
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does the grand exchange still exist ? that was the way i made money
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Old 05/28/2009, 21:49   #6
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Yeah, that is how you make money here, you sell at G.E
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Old 12/15/2010, 07:33   #7
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i know this trick s when i born duh!
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Old 12/15/2010, 16:09   #8
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Woodcutting takes years for money... I'm 99 WC, but i spent 3 years...Lol
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Old 12/15/2010, 20:46   #9
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There are faster methode's
There are some kind of dragons which you can find in some dungeon.
You need 85 Dungeonering to enter the cave and these dragon's or whatever they are drop bones. Each of the bones is worth 17-18k!
They die fast!
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