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WTS Runescape END GAME ACCOUNT WTS fully decked out (Feel free to

Discussion on WTS Runescape END GAME ACCOUNT WTS fully decked out (Feel free to within the Runescape Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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WTS Runescape END GAME ACCOUNT WTS fully decked out (Feel free to

⭐️Price : $2999

��What’s Included in the account?

- Fully maxed out with several 200m's
- Gold VIP member till August 2022

⭐️Weapons (All weapons have bis perks):
1. Ice dyed T92 Khophesh's
2. Ice dyed Nox Scythe
3. Terrasuar maul
4. Spear of annilation

1. Dual Blightbound's
2. Seren Godbow
3. Eldritch crossbow

1. Shadow dyed SOS
2. Shadow dyed wand of praseul
3. Imperium core

- Full set Custom fitted Trimmed Masterwork
- Full set Elite Sirenic Armour
- Full set Sirenic Armour
- Full set Elite Tectonic Armour
- Full set Pernix Cowl
- Enhanced blast diffusion and Enhanced fleeting boots , Laceration boots
- Nightmare gaunlets , Cinderbane gloves , Celestial handwraps
- Hailfire and Flarefrost boots

- 3x EOF (or)
- Reaper (or) and Amulet of souls(or)
- Salve amulet (e)
- 2x GOTE

- Hazelmere signet ring imbued
- LOTD imbued
- Ring of Death imbued
- Ring of Vigour
- Reavers ring(melee) and Channeler's ring (magic)
- Death touch bracelet

- Grimore ( has 25 extra torn grimore pages)
- Each Illuminated God books
- 1x Brooch of the Gods
- Scripture of Wen

- Vamp , Penance , Dark magic , Mahjarat
- Supreme Brawler , Supreme Sharpshooter , Supreme runic accuracy
- Berserker , Manical , Reckless
- Master caller of the seas , Greater focused siphoning
- Inspiration and Invigorate
- Festive

⭐️Notable boss kc/accomplishment
- 1474 Combined Ambi Kc (Log completed)
- 630 Combined Black stone dragon Kc (log completed)
- 529 Combined Seriyu Kc ( Log completed)
Many Many other high boss kc's feel free to reach out to me for queries

- Too many have spent tons of bonds into fashionscape and have currently close to 500k loyalty points to spend

⭐️Farm / Dino
- Perfect breeding pairs for dino farm pavs
- Both farms run automatically to generate resources and farming xp and is completly setted up no modifications is needed

⭐️Reason to Sell
Moving on from Runescape after playing it since 2007 , forged great memories and friendships but times and priorities have changed

⭐️Feel free to dc me @ 小猪#0347

⭐️For more info / pics check out my listing at

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Old 07/06/2022, 21:00   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)

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