i want to trade a llv 95 toon its a normal toon it hase soem quests done like for d scimmy,dwarf cannon,book of zammmy not complete, zerker helmet and more also got 12 rune defenders and torso it hase goten 2.8mil cash
there ar its skils
atack:75/strengt:78/defence:71/range:68/prayer:52/magic:66/runecrafting:35/construction:40/hitpoints:75/agility:42/herblore:30/thieving:30/crafting:73/fletching:72/slayer:40/hunter:60/mining:41/smiting:45/fishing:72/cooking:83/firemaking:66/woodcuting:61/farming:23 and sumoning 25
im willing to trade it for a pure range
range lvl i want around 70 al other combat lvls i dont care axept defence must be lvl 1 it can be higher but not more den 40
also i want that mining,fishing and woodcut ar around 70 dosnt need to be al 3 skils 1 is also good if u want screenshots just ask then il make them if u want to trade pm me whit yor offer and keep yor screenshts rdy to!!!