Selling osrs 90str 40 att pure for rs3 gold and selling rs3 mains accounts.
Discussion on Selling osrs 90str 40 att pure for rs3 gold and selling rs3 mains accounts. within the Runescape Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.
[Selling] SELLING OSRS PURE 99STRENGTH 02/26/2017 - Runescape Trading - 0 Replies Hey guys really simple I'm looking to sell my runescape 07 pure. I'm more than happy to use a middleman with 1000+tbm who im already in contact with.
The account stats are 99strength 87range, 88hp, 13pray, 1def, 50attack, 70mage, and various other skills.
I'm more than happy for you to add me on skype to discuss - ("Myclaws1")
Have a great day : )
Selling Osrs Pure 15 - 20mil Osrs Gold 12/03/2015 - Runescape Trading - 0 Replies I Got A Osrs Pure Im Trading 40 Att 50 Str 1 Def 65 Range 1 Prayer 51 Page 57Hp Look Up Hybrid F T W Join My Cc If You Want To Make Trade Im Trading For 20mil Or Get Main Account im on all day everyday
Selling Low Profile OSRS (07) Pure. 04/24/2013 - Runescape Trading - 0 Replies Due to the constant lagg outs and Loosing my fury I've quit, I had'nt played for years thought i'd give it ago an yeah nah, I'm over it...
Can provide Screnshots Just ask in Pm, Or here.
Account is pure.
Defance 1.
Hitpoints 59.
Attack 60.
Strength 66.
Magic 70.
Range 51.