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Selling maxed RS3 account with a lot of qbd kills

Discussion on Selling maxed RS3 account with a lot of qbd kills within the Runescape Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

Old   #1
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Selling maxed RS3 account with a lot of qbd kills

Hiya. Looking to sell my maxed RS3 account w/ 103 dungeoneering.
Also has 39m+ attack xp, 42m+ hp xp, 33m+ ranged xp, 22m+ strength xp and 22m+ cook xp.

Although maxing was fun, I just don't enjoy the game anymore and I want to focus more on my studies at college, so I want to get rid of the account before I hit my exams.

Account has 8 Auras including vampyrism, penance, greater quarrymaster and greater surefooted. 312 overload flasks, 532 supreme overload flasks, 688 adrenaline flasks and 131 brightfire pots. Almost 4k blue charms, tier 90 power gloves and also amulet of souls and blood fury ammy.

Account has pretty much all skilling outfits (all the TH ones + some more) along with silverhawk boots and spring cleaner.
Is eligible for 10yr Veteran in a year or two. Has some old holiday items on it such as grim reaper hood, chocotrice cape and snowglobe.
Screenies below:


QBD Pet obtained w/ 6,600+ kills on record:

Clean Offence History:

Notable Items:

I am looking for $272/£180 through PayPal. I will not go first, but if you feel more comfortable using an official middleman, let me know I and I will be happy to set it up. Please hit me up on skype if you are interested and/or you want more details - william.anderson2500

Bigwilliamanderson is offline  
Old 11/14/2015, 22:59   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 1
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Bigwilliamanderson2 is offline  

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