OSRS Main account 10/26/2015 - Runescape Trading - 13 Replies http://i.imgur.com/7iHMpRM.jpg
taking gp
Selling OSRS Main 09/21/2015 - Runescape Trading - 0 Replies Hey guys,
im selling my OSRS Main for OSRS GP or PayPal.
Attack lvl 90+
Str lvl 95
Def lvl 90
HP lvl 93
Mage lvl 80
Range lvl 75+
[Selling] EOC Main for OSRS Mills 09/10/2015 - Runescape Trading - 2 Replies Hey guys! I'm selling an account I used to main on RS before it became EOC!
I'd like to accept payment via 07 gold OR PayPal.
Stats: https://gyazo.com/e8968057a71a0dac8ab1f0bfd59165e5
https://gyazo.com/fcc97280db75ee7f73f8555a7bc4301 9
Quests: https://gyazo.com/d2a2b5988ea6ee36b185ccb2a047087a
205 QP
(WTT) Osrs Main for GW2 Gold 07/19/2015 - Runescape Trading - 0 Replies Hey All I'm trying to trade my old school Runescape main for GW2 gold
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[Selling] OSRS/RS3 MAIN 03/22/2015 - Runescape Trading - 4 Replies Hey guys im selling rs3/osrs in one account main.
Rs3 - 7x99 barrow gloves, blood necklace from dung, salamons shop items, 10 years veteran.
osrs: 99att 99str 88 deff etc. Fcape , bgloves, rune deff, f torso, void set, decent skill levels.
It has 70 days of membership (02.09)
if u want to see account i can screen share via skype.
Selling it for gold on RS3 or cash.