WTS>112 CB 99 fletch 35m, 31 days of member left. 10/27/2010 - Runescape Trading - 1 Replies Finally decided to sell my old main account, Getting mildly bored with the game, I seem to only use it for clan wars now, I'll have pictures below, Add my msn if interested, I will not be going first so keep that in mind, I have no A/W set, Just post offers or add my msn and offer there.
Bank pin, Recoveries, And email can either be given to the buyer, Or removed.
Selling RS account 99 Woodcutting, 85 Fletch 01/21/2010 - Runescape Trading - 6 Replies 99 WCING And 85 Fletch
Accepting, Archlord cash, Archlord Accounts, Archlord CC's, RSC cash , RSC accounts.
Pics-http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/4986/skills yx8.png
http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/9388/wccapedk7.p ng
PM me if you are interested or want to see more pics.