We want to buy rift platinum and we’re seeking for persons who can provide power leveling services on long terms. Are you interested in this kind of cooperation?
WTB RIFT Play in a big amounts 03/14/2012 - Rift Trading - 0 Replies We want to buy rift platinum and we’re seeking for persons who can provide power leveling services on long terms. Are you interested in this kind of cooperation?
Please email us - [email protected]
Skype - riftomania.com
MSN - [email protected]
WTB Large Amounts of Rupees 02/22/2012 - Rappelz Trading - 1 Replies Looking to buy up to 500 billion rupees PM amounts looking to sell thanks
Sell Rift digital with 53 days of play time 05/09/2011 - Rift Trading - 4 Replies As title says im selling my rift account for 30eu PSC..
On account there is lvl 25 mage around 3plat and mount and there is also 41 days of playtime left.
With cd key & everything else required to make account yours!!!
Anyways game is solid and allot of fun but unfortunatly my pc cant realy handle it to well so i decided to give it up... :(
Or i would also trade for wow with cata and at leest 1 mounth of game time,chars dont realy mater
Or only unused cata key+gc eaither way works for...
Selling HUGE amounts of alz EU Jupiter 12/13/2010 - Cabal Online Trading - 24 Replies As title says I'm here to sell huge amounts of alz (15kkk+) on COEU jupiter server.
WTS Gold on Babel any amounts. 07/03/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies Email: [email protected]
I got any amounts of gold you ask for.
Delivery: Once I get the money or Confirmed by Middleman.
Server : Babel
Deliver Place: Jangan Stable.