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RappelzTournament #1 High Rate English Server: The Ares [NEW UPDATE] is Finally Live!

Discussion on RappelzTournament #1 High Rate English Server: The Ares [NEW UPDATE] is Finally Live! within the Rappelz Private Server forum part of the Rappelz category.

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Arrow [EN] #Rappelz Tournament #1 🚀x400 EXP | Private Server 🔥Ares [NEW UPDATE] is live!

Hello Epvpers!
We welcome you to Rappelz Tournament
PC Pet Based Open World #MMORPG

Server Info:
Epic Server 9.1 with 9.6+ Unique custom content.
Scroll down for the preview of the previous updates: The Ares Update!
To get a taste what we offer in our server.

[Preview]: Unlocked Reborn Aura - [New] Two Headed Cobra & Liquidlust Dragon Pet!

Server Rates
Exp 400x
Drops 100x
Gold 100x
Taming 10x
Quest-Gold 100x

Game Client Language Support:

Katan Boss Invasion GM Event!

Discord Channel:
International Voice & Chat channels.

Sneak Peek Youtube Trailer

Increased Party EXP Bonus
We added permanently increased Party Exp to make players benefit more from party.

Party of 2/8 Players Exp 160%
Party of 3/8 Players Exp:170%
Party of 4/8 Players Exp:190%
Party of 5/8 Players Exp:200%
Party of 6/8 Players Exp:230%
Party of 7/8 Players Exp:250%
Party of 8/8 Players Exp:280%

Unique Rappelz Tournament Game Key Features:

[New] Pets:
Liquidlust, Behemoth and Two Headed Cobra, [NEW] Dungeons, Maps and Monsters
[NEW] Unique Reborn System:
Player Reborn Increased to 30!
Obtain Reborn tokens to exchange for exclusive items!
Item shop gear, enchant materials to upgrade your items
Receive special character animation buffs and additional stats to become stronger each time you reborn your character!
[NEW] Treasure Koala Hunt:
for Item Shop currency!
[NEW] Unique Ranked Weapons:
[NEW] Gold Star Version Pets:
Additional skills!
[NEW] Blessing of the Gods:
Powerful buffs while actively Farming
[NEW] World Bosses Hunt:
Special Server Buffs for all players!
[NEW] Unique Ares Final Awakening
Daily, Weekly and Repeatable Quests & Event Buffs
Weekly [GM] City Boss Invasion Event
Weekend Special
Free Spin Tokens!:
Stay logged in to receive
Spin and Win at the Event NPC in Horizon town or Laksy Town
Exchange for awesome random prices up to +23 weapon and armor foods
Chance to obtain The Premium Pass Remote high level Buffs for your character and active pets!
Active Server Development and Roadmap!
-Unique Released Massive Updates
Exodus, Hephaestus, Artemis and Ares
Latest All Class Balancing!
Latest Release The Ares Update with tons of
New awesome content
Custom Vulcano Item Set & New Deco Weapons
Level Cap Increased to lv 230!
No Masterclass Quest Trials Requirements
Max Talent Points
Unlock all skills in your Master Class Skill Tree!
Final awakening
Armor, Boots, Gloves, Helmet, Weapons!
Custom Weapons, Armor set bonus and item set effects
New PvP/PvE farm zones
Active Server Buffs
Full Beginner's guide inside our client download as a PDF file
To help and guide you through your adventure
Discord Channel
Don't forget to join our discord server for the latest news, discussions, development, spoilers, videos and patch notes!
Game Guide videos!
And many more!

All Class Balancing!
Sign Up to see the latest changes related to skills!

Server Roadmap Future Plans Hades Update!:
Hades Update Development brining even more interesting content!
New Custom Re-skinned Pets with custom skills
Advanced Gears Update with materials
New Monsters
New Map
And more to be announced!

Your Voice Counts!
We listening to our community needs.
Your feedback and suggestions are important to us, to improve the overall gaming experience.

RappelzTournament is an active and International High rate private server.
Improving the server according to the players needs.
Experience our custom content, Rappelz development from the very start!
Over 18k+ already registered and still counting.
What are you waiting for Join the Family!

New Red Dragon's Armor Set & Weapons Preview!

New Guardian Armor Set Preview!

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Credits to RevolutionTeam providing the epvp community with the files to make this all possible.

#rappelztournament #rappelz #mmorpg #privateserver

Attached Images
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Old 08/09/2017, 09:31   #2

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good luck with server
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Old 08/09/2017, 10:06   #3

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Originally Posted by アルカード View Post
good luck with server
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Old 08/09/2017, 11:26   #4
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Good Luck!
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Old 08/09/2017, 15:29   #5
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i wish you could've released an opening thread, so everyone gets a chance to play on the first day.

i don't like to play in a server that has been running for 3 days maximum, so that's a waste of competition for me , hfun everyone there tho.
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Old 08/11/2017, 00:23   #6
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Those are the FACTS:

The serve is unplayable.
It freezes every 2-3 hours. And when it freezes, it doesn't restart itself (you need to wait at least 30 mins, or sometimes an entire night to play again).
And when the server comes back, there are sometimes rollbacks (you lose your last 30 mins of gameplay before the freeze).

Now for my opinion:

NPC don't give buffs (He only gives the normal HV buffs).
NPC don't sell Deva Blessing.
NPC don't sell Teardrops.

That's just bullshit. You give people x100 exp rate but you don't give them any buffs.
This makes no sense.

THIS IS RAPPELZ. It doesn't matter how much the exp rates are. If you don't have end game buffs, you can't kill ****.

And no, I'm not making 5 slaves in such an unstable server to get buffs, while every other server gives them for free.

Will keep playing for a few more days. If something changes, I will update this.
Best regards, Udyr.
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Old 08/11/2017, 00:54   #7

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Originally Posted by OSM98 View Post

Those are the FACTS:

The serve is unplayable.
It freezes every 2-3 hours. And when it freezes, it doesn't restart itself (you need to wait at least 30 mins, or sometimes an entire night to play again).
And when the server comes back, there are sometimes rollbacks (you lose your last 30 mins of gameplay before the freeze).

Now for my opinion:

NPC don't give buffs (He only gives the normal HV buffs).
NPC don't sell Deva Blessing.
NPC don't sell Teardrops.

That's just bullshit. You give people x100 exp rate but you don't give them any buffs.
This makes no sense.

THIS IS RAPPELZ. It doesn't matter how much the exp rates are. If you don't have end game buffs, you can't kill ****.

And no, I'm not making 5 slaves in such an unstable server to get buffs, while every other server gives them for free.

Will keep playing for a few more days. If something changes, I will update this.
Best regards, Udyr.
As far i know server got ddosed hard that's why it is lagging and u have rollbacks so yea,don't judge too soon
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Old 08/11/2017, 01:55   #8
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Originally Posted by OSM98 View Post
If you don't have end game buffs, you can't kill ****.
truest **** I ever saw in this community.
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Old 08/13/2017, 01:31   #9
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I can't register. Is registration down?
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Old 08/13/2017, 14:35   #10

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Registrations are open again.

sorry for the inconvenience

Originally Posted by harmbasi View Post
I can't register. Is registration down?
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Old 08/13/2017, 19:05   #11
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#Review Part 2#

The server seems very stable in the last 2 days, almost no disconnections at all. And there is no lag at all, so that's nice.

Pros and Cons:

Good things about the server:
- For a rappelz private server, it seems well populated.

- It's a fresh server, so it's easy to catch up to other players.

- There is custom content here and there, which means the dev knows how make things, so you can expect new weapons and stuff in the future to keep things fresh.

Bad things about the server:
- There are some bugs here and there. Fix UG plz ty.

- There is no NPC buffs at all.
It's literally impossible to solo farm between lvl 120 and 149.
You either find some r7 good guy to boost you to 150, or you get bored and leave and never come back.
(Hello exter16 ? you are losing players for no damn reason... check you database, see how many accounts have thier main character reach level 100-120 then never login again).
And No, I ain't gonna do 30 daily quests to get a 30 mins buff from Deva Blessing Asura coins or whatever it's called.

- NPC don't sell Heart of Homunculus.
(Hello exter16 ? the one thing that keeps players from getting bored is jumping from class to class. Im bored with my Templar, I want to go for some Magus pvp for a few hours then change back to Templar.)

- NPC don't sell Teardrops. Because fuck players I guess...

- It's super hard to make +20 gear because E-rep and E-pro cost JP (Which is fine. You don't want everyone running around with full +25 gear, no problem here)
The problem is: For some damn reason, enhancing gears to +21 +22 +23 +24 +25 have a 50% chance to fail...
Hello ? You think I will keep playing if I fail a [+24] + [+24] ? I lose a week's worth of farming JP.
This 50% chance on Amalgam and Invar is just bull shit.
And like I said earlier: People play multiple classes, how do you expect them to make gears for the 2 or 3 classes that they wanna play when the enhancing system is so fucked up.
Give me a reason to stick around and play in your server.
I'm here to have fun, im not here to "fail fail fail fail fail fail and fuck you udyr, go farm JP again for an other week". That won't make me play for another week, that will only make me Alt+F4 and find another server.

So, do I recommand playing on this server for now ? Yes, seems good enough.

Final word:
Ask your community and listen to what they want. Otherwise, you will just self-destruct, just like Sapphire server did.
(What happend to Sapphire server ? The guy incharge dosen't fucking listen, he keeps doing things the way he wants them, and then everyone left... I was the top ranking player there, level 187 or some crazy number, so I know what i'am talking about)
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Old 08/13/2017, 19:45   #12

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Originally Posted by OSM98 View Post
#Review Part 2#

The server seems very stable in the last 2 days, almost no disconnections at all. And there is no lag at all, so that's nice.

Pros and Cons:

Good things about the server:
- For a rappelz private server, it seems well populated.

- It's a fresh server, so it's easy to catch up to other players.

- There is custom content here and there, which means the dev knows how make things, so you can expect new weapons and stuff in the future to keep things fresh.

Bad things about the server:
- There are some bugs here and there. Fix UG plz ty.

- There is no NPC buffs at all.
It's literally impossible to solo farm between lvl 120 and 149.
You either find some r7 good guy to boost you to 150, or you get bored and leave and never come back.
(Hello exter16 ? you are losing players for no damn reason... check you database, see how many accounts have thier main character reach level 100-120 then never login again).
And No, I ain't gonna do 30 daily quests to get a 30 mins buff from Deva Blessing Asura coins or whatever it's called.

- NPC don't sell Heart of Homunculus.
(Hello exter16 ? the one thing that keeps players from getting bored is jumping from class to class. Im bored with my Templar, I want to go for some Magus pvp for a few hours then change back to Templar.)

- NPC don't sell Teardrops. Because fuck players I guess...

- It's super hard to make +20 gear because E-rep and E-pro cost JP (Which is fine. You don't want everyone running around with full +25 gear, no problem here)
The problem is: For some damn reason, enhancing gears to +21 +22 +23 +24 +25 have a 50% chance to fail...
Hello ? You think I will keep playing if I fail a [+24] + [+24] ? I lose a week's worth of farming JP.
This 50% chance on Amalgam and Invar is just bull shit.
And like I said earlier: People play multiple classes, how do you expect them to make gears for the 2 or 3 classes that they wanna play when the enhancing system is so fucked up.
Give me a reason to stick around and play in your server.
I'm here to have fun, im not here to "fail fail fail fail fail fail and fuck you udyr, go farm JP again for an other week". That won't make me play for another week, that will only make me Alt+F4 and find another server.

So, do I recommand playing on this server for now ? Yes, seems good enough.

Final word:
Ask your community and listen to what they want. Otherwise, you will just self-destruct, just like Sapphire server did.
(What happend to Sapphire server ? The guy incharge dosen't fucking listen, he keeps doing things the way he wants them, and then everyone left... I was the top ranking player there, level 187 or some crazy number, so I know what i'am talking about)
Most server fail coz devs won't lissen to community.I mean there will always be a trolls and prick's.I remember first time he open server it was quite nice.I wanted to pm exter and offer a help with some custom content once i have time for it but at the moment i just watch how server go.
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Old 08/13/2017, 23:03   #13
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he just need 2 listen 2 the right people u also can destroy your server if any dumb nuub ask 4 limitless buffs or 90% enchantment rate or this stuff also there is no fun in still buying +5 cards in shop it ruins the economy ...well there isn t even some economy on the server cuz rupees are a **** worth first tournament was OP nice server after 3 or 4 attempts it fails hard and i was so happy to play it sadly rip if u do it than right please or let it be -.-
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Old 08/13/2017, 23:05   #14

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I appreciate you review.

About the bad things you just mentioned.
1:Ug bug should be fixed and already reported.
2:If you take all the buffs + consumable. and gear up. I don't think it's that hard to get to lv 150.. we have already 100 players ~ 145-175.
3:About the buffs, you can get these from npc. We have made them stackable as requested from the community.
4:Heart of Homunculus can be acquired if you hit lvl 170 as a reward. read patch notes from this week..
5:Teardrops and the missing items will be implemented in the upcoming weeks. As you can see we have an event coming up Tuesday after maintenance to acquire teardrops and more from login event.
6:about the +21/22++ enchantment this is already been reported and will be changed in the upcoming maintenance.

Please next time post this on our forums.

Thank you.

Originally Posted by OSM98 View Post
#Review Part 2#

The server seems very stable in the last 2 days, almost no disconnections at all. And there is no lag at all, so that's nice.

Pros and Cons:

Good things about the server:
- For a rappelz private server, it seems well populated.

- It's a fresh server, so it's easy to catch up to other players.

- There is custom content here and there, which means the dev knows how make things, so you can expect new weapons and stuff in the future to keep things fresh.

Bad things about the server:
- There are some bugs here and there. Fix UG plz ty.

- There is no NPC buffs at all.
It's literally impossible to solo farm between lvl 120 and 149.
You either find some r7 good guy to boost you to 150, or you get bored and leave and never come back.
(Hello exter16 ? you are losing players for no damn reason... check you database, see how many accounts have thier main character reach level 100-120 then never login again).
And No, I ain't gonna do 30 daily quests to get a 30 mins buff from Deva Blessing Asura coins or whatever it's called.

- NPC don't sell Heart of Homunculus.
(Hello exter16 ? the one thing that keeps players from getting bored is jumping from class to class. Im bored with my Templar, I want to go for some Magus pvp for a few hours then change back to Templar.)

- NPC don't sell Teardrops. Because fuck players I guess...

- It's super hard to make +20 gear because E-rep and E-pro cost JP (Which is fine. You don't want everyone running around with full +25 gear, no problem here)
The problem is: For some damn reason, enhancing gears to +21 +22 +23 +24 +25 have a 50% chance to fail...
Hello ? You think I will keep playing if I fail a [+24] + [+24] ? I lose a week's worth of farming JP.
This 50% chance on Amalgam and Invar is just bull shit.
And like I said earlier: People play multiple classes, how do you expect them to make gears for the 2 or 3 classes that they wanna play when the enhancing system is so fucked up.
Give me a reason to stick around and play in your server.
I'm here to have fun, im not here to "fail fail fail fail fail fail and fuck you udyr, go farm JP again for an other week". That won't make me play for another week, that will only make me Alt+F4 and find another server.

So, do I recommand playing on this server for now ? Yes, seems good enough.

Final word:
Ask your community and listen to what they want. Otherwise, you will just self-destruct, just like Sapphire server did.
(What happend to Sapphire server ? The guy incharge dosen't fucking listen, he keeps doing things the way he wants them, and then everyone left... I was the top ranking player there, level 187 or some crazy number, so I know what i'am talking about)
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Old 09/05/2017, 23:45   #15

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Patch notes 1.6
New items including pw gear and more
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