Translation 02/06/2013 - Zero - 15 Replies Hello all E*PVP Members we have the server up and running :D all running good (till now) now the part of Translating cq_action its 72 pages so if any one Really wants to help us each 2 days i will give some things so you guys Translate the Translation can be even by a program just Keep everything SAVE AS IT IS and replace the spaces with ~ when the NPCS Talk not when you find actions in game etc So Any one wanna start i will hit 5 pages in one txt file now hope i see some one helps the first ZO...
Little help for me on a translation :) 03/10/2010 - EO PServer Hosting - 6 Replies Hello guys, well i am in need in help too i guess, i totally forgot where i should edit those glitches, i searched a lot on the forums, and i couldnt locate if its a client or db problem, my guess is that's a db problem, however i could not find my answer below i show you what i miss, the castle and ground english translations below the owner name:
Where i marked with a red circle, if anyone knows what i am missing,...
[request] race game translation 05/11/2009 - Foreign Games - 0 Replies
i want to ask some one who can translate this game into english sorry i dont know frence or german-.-
[Translation] cabal8 almost full translation no errors 06/06/2008 - Cabal Online - 21 Replies ok so i found some translations in the forum but for example the force shielder has some bugs when doing rank up quests so i got a fix for that and its just by repatching it with another translation done by Kapa22 so im putting it here
so the translation of kapa22 comes with a skin i dont know how to put it off emm and it comes with full quest translation but it doesnt translate the skills or Item descriptions that comes in forceshielder's translation so im putting the links im not intending...
Translation. 10/03/2007 - Main - 4 Replies Can anyone suggest a good way to translate the German/Dutch you guys post (at least i think thats what it is.) Sadly, whatever it is, i don't speak it.